The Reaping

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I open my eyes to the too-bright afternoon light. I stand and make my way to my room and change into a pair of pants and a black T-shirt. I sigh heavily and look outside. Almost time. Everyone is rushing around to say goodbye and get ready if they are chosen. 

I sit on my bed and stare at the wall. Mama and Papa are gone. Xavier and Iris are safe. If I am chosen, they'll take the house and move another family in. I take a deep breath and begin walking out of my home.

I exit through the door and walk down the road, toward the place of the reaping. Once there, I go ahead and sign in. I follow other girls to the section that we stand in and wait for everyone else to arrive. I see Ms. Daniela and the twins with all the other families. I meet their gazes and they wave. I sent a small one back.

I turn my focus back when I am shoved. "Sorry!" Says a smaller girl. Must be her first year. I hope she isn't chosen. Why am I worrying for others? I hope I am not chosen. I hope Mama and Papa are watching me. 

"Okay, everyone! Time to get started!" A way too chipper woman speaks. There is a speech and video like every year. No one cares or pays attention until it is time for the tributes to be announced.  "Now to the tributes!" She announces. "For the boys, we have...Yuli Michaels!" There is a loud sob from a woman that can be heard from over the crowd. 

Most likely his mother. I see a small boy, who looks to be 9 or 10, but I know is 12, walking to the stage, shaking, trying not to cry. That poor little boy. He shouldn't have to do this. He shouldn't be walking up there. Why won't anyone volunteer? "Now, for the girls. Let's see..." She starts. I close my eyes tightly. Please not me. Please not me. Please. 

"Zion Luis!" She says. Everything goes still. Me. She said my name. I open my eyes and look at all the faces that hold relief. Others of pity. Xavier and Iris. They'll be alone. Mama, papa, and me...will all be dead. I shake my head.

Act strong, like there's nothing wrong. I hold my head up high and begin walking. Other girls making a path for me. "Good luck." Says the small girl who bumped into me before. I glance at her but then turn my face back to the stage. I make my way up the stairs and on the opposite side of the boy, Yuli.

"Now you have it! The District 11 tributes!" The woman says way too happily. "Shake hands you two!" The announcer lady says. We do as told. I am pulled to a room with Yuli. We are both made to wait there to say goodbye to the ones we love. Yuli's parents and who I assume is his older brother walk in first. His mother hugs him tightly. 

"My baby boy.." She sobs. The family turns to me. I look back. "I will protect him for as long as I can," I say with tears in my eyes. "Thank you. Your name is Zion Luis?" The older brother asks. "Yes," I state. "Your mother was..." The woman starts but stops herself. 

"Is there anyone left?" The father asks. I nod. "My 7-year-old little brother and sister," I state as a tear slips down. I receive a hug from the mother first, and then the father, and lastly the older brother. "Good luck, little deer." The older brother says. I nod. 

A peacemaker yells for the family. "Goodbye, baby." Yuli's mother says to him. The father and brother hug him quickly and then rush out before they are dragged away. What's left of my family comes in next. Ms. Daniela hugs me tightly with tears rolling down her face. "I'll take care of the twins for as long as you need. You'll be back. I know you will." She says. I nod. 

Xavier and Iris hug my waist and sob. "Goodbye, runts. Stay good. Stay happy. Turn your head away when you see blood spilled on the screens." I say to the two. I kiss them both on top of the head. Ms. Daniela looks over to Yuli. "Stay safe, little one." She says. She goes over and hugs Yuli. 

"Thank you." He says quietly. A peacemaker once again yells for everyone to leave. The twins exit first, and then Ms. Daniela turns for a moment. "Give them hell, my girl." She says turns and walks away. I smile at that. I feel a small hand in mine. I look down to see Yuli attached to me. 

"Stay close like this once we enter the games," I say. "Okay." He says quietly before we are escorted out of the room and onto a train. We are told to sit at one of the booth-type settings and wait. I wanted to ask for what but didn't.

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