New Faces

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"Toss her in here." A girl with green hair says as she and a boy with green hair toss Alexis into a room with a collar on.

"Hey! You can't just take me from my home! I don't belong to you!" Alexis says angrily as she gets up growling.

"You do now. You're our new pet. Like it or not." The boy says.

"We'll see about that!" Alexis says as she growls and lunges at the boy and girl only for the collar around her neck to shock her causing her to fall to the ground with a yelp.

"Yeah. I wouldn't go doing anything stupid. That shock collar will prevent you from leaving the building and attacking us." The girl says as she smiles causing Alexis to snarl.

"Growl all you want. You might as well get used to this being your new home." The boy says.

"So enjoy it. There's many who would kill to be in our home with us being so famous." The girl says.

"Not me." Alexis says as she scoffs.

"Don't care. Anyway come on Veneer. Let's go buy stuff." The girl says.

"Ooh! You read my mind Velvet!" Veneer says as he and Velvet leave.

"Ugh. What is it with creatures thinking they can do what they please with other living creatures? Ow! Darn this collar! Why won't it come off!?" Alexis asks as she tries to get the collar off only for it to shock her.

"You shouldn't keep trying to get the collar off. I've seen those collars before. You'll only get it off if it short circuits or someone turns it off and takes it off you. Otherwise you're just hurting yourself." A male voice says making Alexis stop trying to get the collar off.

"Who said that?" Alexis asks as she looks around.

"I did." The voice says as Alexis sees someone in a purple glass perfume bottle and climbs up to it to see a blue troll with pink hair.

"Who are you?" Alexis asks as she cautiously goes toward the trapped boy.

"I'm Floyd. Who are you and what are you?" The troll asks as he looks at Alexis.

"My name is Alexis and I'm an elemental wolf shifter. Why are you in that thing?" Alexis asks curiously.

"It's a diamond prison. It's impenetrable. But they captured me to use me for my talents. They literally suck it out of me and use it to fake their performances." Floyd says annoyedly.

"Why am I not surprised? Figures. Far as that thing being impenetrable I don't think so. I haven't found a containment I couldn't bust out of in a week. At least until they put this stupid collar on me." Alexis says as she growls annoyedly.

"Well Alexis how about we make a deal here? If you can help me out of this prison I'll get that collar off you and we both can escape. How does that sound?" Floyd asks as Alexis looks at him and rolls her eyes.

"Sounds like you think I'm stupid enough to trust a troll. No way. You'll just bolt and leave me." Alexis says as she scoffs.

"No I won't. I wouldn't do that to someone." Floyd says as he puts his hands on the glass.

"You think I don't know how trolls act? You're not the first troll I've met and each one has done nothing but treat me like an outcast, trick me and never given me a true chance to get to know me for me. I'm not helping you. I'm better off finding my own way out." Alexis says.

"You'd really leave someone to die just because you are afraid of how they'll treat you? I'm not like the trolls you've met. Please. I have to escape or they'll kill me eventually if they keep draining me like this." Floyd says as Alexis looks at him.

"And how do I know you won't just bolt or use me as a distraction?" Alexis asks.

"Well find out for yourself. Just give me a chance. I promise you won't regret it. I'll help you I give you my word on that." Floyd says before Alexis sighs annoyedly.

"Yeah. I've heard that before. I better not regret this." Alexis says as she goes up to Floyd and begins inspecting the container.

"Thank you! You have no idea how grateful I am for this. Now hurry. They'll be back soon." Floyd says.

"Yeah, yeah. Just hang tight." Alexis says as she shifts to troll form and puts a hand on the glass as she begins making it freeze up where her hand is.

"Whoa! So that's what you meant by you're an elemental wolf shifter." Floyd says in amazement as Alexis rolls her eyes.

"Yeah I know. I'm a freak." Alexis says annoyedly.

"You're not a freak. I think it's cool." Floyd says as he smiles kindly causing Alexis to blush slightly before looking away.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere with me." Alexis says as she continues to freeze a spot on the container.

"You really don't like trolls do you?" Floyd asks.

"What gave you your first clue?" Alexis asks as she steps back and shifts to wolf form.

"I'll change your mind on that." Floyd says.

"Sure you will. Okay we have a problem." Alexis says as she tries to headbutt the frozen spot on the container to bust it open in the spot but finds no luck.

"You can't break it can you?" Floyd asks as Alexis nods.

"Unfortunately for you no I can't. This diamond stuff is too strong for me to break it using my ordinary means. Sorry." Alexis says.

"It's alright. Like I told my brother back when he tried to come help me a few weeks ago. It can only be broken my perfect family harmony. Well thanks anyway. Sorry I couldn't help you either." Floyd says.

"It's fine." Alexis says as she places a paw on the collar and growls annoyedly.

"You should get some rest. With Velvet and Veneer they never take anyone like this without a reason. You'll need it." Floyd says as Alexis looks at him.

"Thanks. You too I guess." Alexis says.

"Yeah." Floyd says as Alexis reluctantly lays down nearby.

You're All I Ever Wanted Trolls Band Together Floyd X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now