❕- Feb.9

25 0 3

February 9th, Thursday

I walked through the halls, avoiding everybody.

Music blasting in my ears. No one looked or glanced at me.

I walked into english, noticing a new student next to my seat. Dark brown hair, dark green eyes, and milky skin. I walked over and sat down music still blasting. He tried saying, " Hello. " I wasn't listening. He continued to speak, not hearing the music through my headphones. When the teacher walks in, I turn the music off and put them around my neck.

The boy looked at me and then turned to look at the teacher.

One, Two.

Three, Four.

I wanted this class to hurry up. I wish they never had 5 and 6th period together. We sit here for an hour and 55 minutes and then have 4 minutes to get to our next class.

Bell 1 rung. for C lunch.
Bell 2 rung. End of C lunch, start of D lunch.
Bell 3. End of all lunches.

45 more minutes until this class was over. A note was passed to me, ' Why'd you ignore me? ' wrote with neat handwriting.

I wrote down, ' You were talking to me? ' and passed it back, glancing at him. He looked at me and nodded. " Oh . " I muttered.

" Ah, Mr. Mendoza, would you like to answer this question for the class " Mr. White said.

I looked at the question, then the answers." D " Mr. White nodded,       " Correct.. " He continued to talk.

" Good job, Mr. Mendoza muttered the brunnete next to me. I glanced at him and mumbled, " It's Sebastian. " He nodded. " Izan. "

Class ended. i turned my music back on and walked out of class , going to period. Izan stops me.

" What? " I said. looking at him.

" Do you know where room 204 is? " Izan asked.

" Down the hall, first room on the left. " I answered, He looked confused then I muttered," ..Just follow me. " He nodded and followed. I walked him to my seventh period because we had the same class for seventh period. He sat next to me, music blasted in my ears until the teacher walked in. I turned the music off and put the headphones around your neck.

They've been building dorms for a couple of years now. My parents want me to stay in the dorms, I do, but this school already sucks, I want to just scream while walking towards the doors. But I will do anything for them, and it gives me a break from my little brother.

" As we move into this conversation, i want to take a minute to talk about the dorms... " The teacher explained the business about the dorms. You share a dorm with a rommate. The only different thing is that they're like apartments. That is all she wanted to tell us. We can complete a form just to be able to be in a dorm, no rent until the end of your seinor year.

" Come up for a form, you need a parents signature, and then you return it up at the main office. " I went up. All of us went up, including Izan. I dont think anyone wanted to stay with their parents, nobodys parents actually genuinely cared about them. Everyone had a form, and the class went on.

The last few minutes of class rolled by, and the bell rang. I got up and walked out of the class, going to my locker and getting my stuff. I walked out with my bag and eventually got home. Time flew by, and all I knew it was time for me to go to sleep, but I had my parents sign the dorm contract first, then i went to sleep.

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