Inconsistencies 2

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I stared at James. He was lying down on a bed. My bed. My darling was in a fetal position, but no one was there. Confused, I climbed in next to him and snuggled myself into his arms. Could he be asleep? He was dead, so I wasn't sure. His arms had a certain coldness I loved. Sure he wasn't warm, but his coldness was something I couldn't help but be addicted to. My mind was stuck though, I couldn't fall asleep. I wanted to fall asleep, sleeping was the best part of my day. James moved though, he sat up and felt the side of my body, his touch tickled, and I turned around, smiling at him. His eyes had some type of light in them, one like I'd never seen before. Madness, but happiness. The two mix of emotions I knew he felt a lot when he was murdered. "Darling...!" James almost jumped into my arms, holding me and kissing my face all over, giggles erupted from my mouth.

"Hi.." I simply said. "Why are you so cuddly my darling?" James stared at me like I wasn't unaware of what just happened. What did just happen? I was laying on my bed, upset with James and The Countess.

Oh fuck.

"Wait.." I held a hand up in front of James' face and placed my other one to my head, everything was blurry. I couldn't place anything. "Shit.." The walls were the same, the carpet, the ceiling, the decor. But. It wasn't the same, something wasn't right about them. They were duller, less colourful. If they were colourful at all in the bastard building called Hotel Cortez. Could my breath get laboured now I was dead? It felt like it. What had they done with my body? How long was I dead?! Too many questions, not enough strength to ask them, so I held out my hands for James, who picked up the hint and picked me up too, my legs around his torso, and my head buried in his neck, sobs leaving my mouth.

"My dearest, please. I'm sorry for abandoning you my bird." James muttered, rubbing my back with one of his coarse hands. I wasn't sure what to say, I was dead. Dead because I was too fucking jealous of The Countess, and annoyed at James for missing dates. I just shook my head into the crook of his neck, my son's slowly stopping as I became more comfortable in his arms again. I just wanted an explanation why the countess killed me, that's all. But I was happy in James' arms. Even if he had pissed me off with our missing dates.

James laid me down on the bed again, his arms staying around my torso tightly. "It's okay my love, I'm just...confused. why would she do this?" I knew perfectly why she did it. Because I was a jealous bitch who was petty. But I wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth. His grip on me tightened as James was trying to find the right words for the question. The silence went on for a few minutes as we both lay there holding each other. Excruciating silence, but silence anyway.

"You know why she killed you dearest." James finally said, looking darkly at me, leaning up and moving around to sit next to me on the damp bed. I wasn't sure if I could actually hear the truth or not. Either way, he held onto my hand, rubbing my fingers with his thumb, not looking at me. "but I still have you, and that's what matters to me." He brought my head down, and I leaned on his shoulder. It felt like my heart was racing when it couldn't. Everything was so odd to me. Nothing could be placed properly in my head. Things could never make sense again. I had James forever, thats good enough right?

"I suppose. But, you're mine, never missing out on dates again. Understand?" I asked harshly, pointing a finger in his face.

"Of course, I understand my darling bird. Mine." We smiled, and I moved on top of him, kissing him, and making sure he knew he was mine. Forever. 

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