The Serach And Discovery

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Authors Notes: I thought that the story was a little short so i created this chapter, the original chapter three we be chapter four hope you enjoy.

It's been three months since Ozpin sent Team RWBY on that mission to investigate WhiteFang activity at the docks. But soon disappeared without a trace as if no one was ever there he had sent a few huntsmen and huntresess to investigate the last known location only to find square shape hole on the floor of the warehouse and nothing else he tried to figure out the mystery of what had happened to them, looking for anything that could lead them to the right direction only to find him at a dead end.

"HEY OZPIN." A sudden shout broke Ozpin from his deep thought on finding Team RWBY, looking up his met with Qrow Branwen

and Taiyang Xiao Long Yang and Ruby's Uncle and Father entered Ozpin's office.

"Qrow, Taiyang, good to see you two, how are the days treating you." Ozpin greets the two men both having a look of depression and worry on their faces.

"Not much haven't been drinking much since I heard the news that our girl went missing. Tai on the other hand started drinking and neglected some of his work and gained five pounds." Taiyang gave Qrow a half-hearted punch to the arm.

Ozpin took a sip of his coffee and then stood up from his chair over to the two men.

"I'm glad things haven't affected you too much, the both of you."

"Ozpin, I want to know what possessed you to send our girls on a mission without confirming the whole thing was a trap," Taiyang said out of frustration.

"I understand your frustration but the information came from an old information network that I rarely use so-" Before Ozpin continued, Qrow interjected into his explanation.

"They've been missing for three months and it isn't just them the whole team, I have been looking for them at every place that the white fang has a base and there have been only white fang members, crates of dust, and weapons but not one trace of them, not even a strand of hair." Qrow vented

"I already have Glynda investigate the last known place they were supposed to be and gather anything of interest for examination so that we can get a clear picture of what happened to them. I assure you we will get an answer."

Qrow nodded in acknowledgment to Ozpin followed by Taiyang. At that moment Glynda Goodwitch entered the room all three of them turned their attention towards her, she is one of the teachers of Beacon, a huntress and Ozpin's closest aide assigned to the case of the disappearance of Team RWBY while continuing to teach the other students. She walked into Ozpin's office with a form of discipline and elegant but a closer inspection showed her appearance had a slight show of weaning bags under her eyes, her hair was slightly unkempt, and the drain of some energy her predicament didn't go unnoticed by the three men who know that she was pushing herself to find results.

"Glynda you look terrible you all right." Qrow gave a Concerned remark.

"I'm fine "She quickly straightened herself up and looked towards them"We have completed the analysis in the warehouse and the hole.

All three prepare themselves for what Glynda has found.

"The warehouse was being used by the Mendax group up until three months when they made their last payment." all three of them become shocked.

"The month's age that's around the same time the girls went missing." Taiyang interjected "Yes a few containers were brought into the warehouse to test some new technology as for the hole itself... it was originally a lifting Platform but was never completed.

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