"I know someone's there! Show yourself!! Fight me!! Unless you're too chicken to face me!" Clide yelled, masking his fear with anger and Moon grinned at the offer. Well, if he insisted. He quickly slid by and sliced his claws across one of Clide's shins, causing the man to scream in pain before he punched in the direction the pain came from, but Moon had already moved and sliced his shoulder instead. "Show yourself you coward!!" Clide shrieked, the fear evident in his voice as he tried to hit Moon again, but just like before Moon was long gone and instead sliced into his thigh, causing Clide to fall onto his knees in pain. Now properly terrified, he saw Clide hold his hands up in surrender, tears in his blackened eyes as he wildly looked around the cave for his attacker. "Okay, you win! Please have mercy on me!!"
    Moon stood stock still at the sound of his begging before snarling loudly. Mercy? This vile man wanted mercy?! After all that he had sworn to do, after what he had nearly and already done this bastard wanted mercy?! After nearly taking Moon's last brother from him, after harming them, he had the gall to ask for mercy?!?! Moon snarled even louder as he thought more and more about what this man had done and slowly started relighting his scales, mimicking the night sky as he shot out and grabbed Clide by the throat, lifting the man by it and off of his feet so that he could meet Moon's eyes at his full height. He wanted Clide to know who killed him. He watched Clide's eyes go wide as he registered who his attacker was before Moon squeezed his throat and pulled him close to Moon's face with bared teeth.

"You deserve no mercy." Moon said darkly before plunging his claws into Clide's stomach whilst simultaneously biting into Clide's shoulder harshly.
    Moon relished the man's screams as he tried to get away from Moon's grasp, but he naturally failed and instead, Moon tore a huge chunk of Clide's flesh off of his shoulder whilst simultaneously twisting his hands inside of the man's guts and tugging his intestines roughly, causing Clide to scream even louder. He could tell that Clide was about to pass out, but as Moon had said, there would be no mercy for this shameless bastard. He spit out the flesh that tasted as disgusting as Clide did and started to sing again, another song of madness mixed with something else to force the man to both remain conscious and aware as Moon gave him his final moments as well as to make sure he wouldn't die until far later than most humans would after what Moon was going to do to him.
    After he was sure that Clide was very much going to stay awake he suddenly let go of his neck, but not his intestines which caused the man's organs to be tugged out of him as he fell, earning Moon another harsh scream. Once Clide was on the ground Moon stabbed one of his clawed hands through Clide's shoulder and used a spell to loop the song as he knew he would need his mouth for a while. Once the song was looping Moon grabbed his left leg, sank his teeth into his thigh, and started tearing through the flesh, blood, and bone until the leg was barely hanging on and tore the leg off before repeating the action on his other leg. As he did this he pulled Clide's organs out of his body with his free hand, one by one whilst he broke every bone he could. And with every organ he took out he'd hold it up in front of Clide's face, making sure Clide was watching as he did so before crushing whatever organ he had in his clawed hands right next to his face, grinning madly at the screams that came from that vile mouth that had been threatening you mere moments before.

"PLEASESTOPPLEASESTOPPLEASESTOPPLEASE-" Clide begged as he screamed and Moon scoffed.
    He still dared to plead? How pathetic. He grabbed Clide's tongue and tore it out of his mouth, smiling in satisfaction as Clide's screams only grew louder without the incessant pleading and started to give his arms the same treatment as Moon had given his legs, making sure to tug them off as soon as he could before biting them off completely so as to make the process more painful. It wasn't until all of his limbs were off and only his heart and lungs were left that Moon decided it was high time he ended this, but before he did he leaned down to Clide's ear and whispered the last words he would ever hear in this lifetime.

Into the Deep (Yandere!Mermaid Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipse x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now