If These Sheets Were The States

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TITLE: If These Sheets Were The States

SUMMARY: Joe suffers from terrible Insomnia and Caspar is the only way he can sleep.

WORDS: 4,577

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Joe Sugg or Caspar Lee or Oli White, I do not own the song which the one-shot was inspired by and I do not personally know All Time Low. Chill.

WARNINGS: Insomnia, swearing, angst/comfort

RECOMMENDED BY: no one. I got this idea while listening to the song If These Sheets Were The States by All Time Low.

HOW TO RECOMMEND A ONE-SHOT: pm me (jennamarie45) or ask me on tumblr (jaspartrash.tumblr.com)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: jbfkjhesrkjguheslik first one-shot and i legit cried while writing some of it. i hope you like it bc I loooovvveeee it and am very proud of this writing.


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It all started when Joe was 7, after his father and mother got a divorce.

His mother and father's nasty words that they flung at each other seemed to echo in his ear whenever he laid his head down on a pillow, causing him to get up and climb into his older sister's bed, who only did it because she knew how badly it affected Joe. Then, he couldn't find a comfortable sleeping position. He would curl up into his side, it would put discomfort on his stomach. He would lay out, spread like an eagle, his hips would hurt. He would lay like a pencil, his back would hurt. He would roll over on his tummy, and he would feel his ribs which made him shiver. No matter how hard he tried, he never was able to get into a comfortable position for sleep.

He went to his older sister to ask about it, but she just rolled her eyes.

"Joe, it's not that bad," Zoe said, leaning down and giving her younger brother a hug. "It'll be gone in no time."

And she was right, yet sort of wrong.

About a year or 11 months later of sleeping in a new uncomfortable position every night, Joe finally found this odd position where his legs were crooked and his arms were sprawled out where he could sleep. But then, he noticed how much he hated the dark. All he could think about was a fire happening, and him trying to save himself but he couldn't because of how dark the room was, causing him to perish a terrible death. He soon got over that one, though, because he learnt from his science teacher that fire had a sort of glow that could direct him to his bedroom window if it ever happened to him as he slept. He then thought of spirits, and how they could happily kill him in the dark because he wouldn't be able to see the wavering ghosts dead face as they cackled madly and drove a knife into his heart.

It drove him to nightmares, and sleeping in his sister's bed.

Zoe, being already 9 where Joe is only 8, started to kick him out of his bed, calling him a wimp for being scared of the dark. Joe was forced to go back to his bed, where he kept his lamp on and sat up, looking around his room paranoid for 5-8 hours, not being able to get any sleep.

Once his father found out, he told Zoe that she should comfort her brother when he needed it, and got Joe a nightlight. Zoe huffed, mumbling something about Joe being a big baby and about him being father's favorite, but he didn't care. All he could do was hug his dad and be grateful that no spirits, real or not real, could kill him in his sleep.

It helped for a while, until his comfortable position turned uncomfortable, and his nightmares stayed, which he had every night. By the time he was 13, Joe couldn't sleep properly and he felt like crying since his sister was popular in her grade and never seemed to be home anymore to tell him to get a hold of himself. He didn't have many friends, but had to always decline slumber parties at the time because he didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night crying over drowning in his dream, or crying over how dark it was at his mates house.

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