I sighed as I slowly got closer to the trunk. Come on, you can do this. I thought to myself, but as soon as I touched the first foot-hold of the tree, my heart began to race. Nope, nope, nope. I can't do this.

"Don't be a pussy!" She yelled down one more time.

"Okay fuck it." I mumbled to myself before starting to climb. My heart raced and my head spun as I climbed, but I was determined to make it. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down. Holy SHIT don't look down. Luckily, the footholds got easier the closer I got, but my breathing got quicker the higher I went. Oh my god I'm gonna die. I'm actually about to die.

"Ayyy, you made it!" I heard Alex congratulate next to me.

"What??" I asked, eyes wide, my words lathered in fear. My head whipped around to see where I was before making the fatal mistake of looking down. "Holy shit!" I yelled, immediately shutting my eyes.

"Hey, it's all good, just grab my hand." Alex attempted to reassure.

"You're fucking crazy if you think I'm letting go of this tree." I spat, beginning to hyperventilate.

"Okay, okay... deep breaths... the worst part's over." She said calmly.

I listened to her instructions, taking deep, heavy breaths through my nose until my breathing was somewhat normal.

"Okay, now just follow my voice and open your eyes."

I faced her direction before reluctantly opening my eyes. The first thing I saw were grey ones intently looking back. She had moved toward the trunk of the tree to be closer to me.

"Hey, just look at me, nowhere else." she commanded when she saw my gaze wandering. "Now all I want you to do is put your foot into that crevice and push up."

"Okay, okay." I mumbled nervously as I moved my foot.

"On the count of three... one... two... three!"

As soon as I lifted myself up with my leg, I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me onto the branch.

"Told you, you'd be fine." she smugly grinned, her arm still wrapped around me.

"I fucking hate you." I sighed, adrenaline still coursing through my body. Although I was upset with her, I had to admit that she was somewhat right about it being worse from the bottom. The branch we were on was thick enough to hold at least two other people, and the cool breeze was a welcome surprise.

"Turn around." she commanded, unwrapping her arm from me before swiveling a 180 on the branch. I hesitantly did the same, albeit less elegantly. "Do you hate me now?" she asked smugly.

Ahead of us was a perfect view of the Mississippi River with the skyline of Minneapolis behind it. Acres of trees were spread out in front of us, hugging both sides of the river. A bridge out in the distance to the right, completely jammed with traffic both leaving and entering the city. A view so big, you felt small in comparison.

"I live right... over... there." She said as she pointed to a suburb on the other side of the river.

"Okay, fine... this is pretty cool." I admitted.

"Told ya I'd make it up to you." she smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "You still owe me lunch."

"Bet, time and place." she said as if she'd been waiting for me to ask.

I looked at her, slightly amused, "Bold of you to assume I know any places other than Taco Bell."

Her nose scrunched slightly, "Yeah, leave the planning to me, Butters." she teased, making me roll my eyes at the dumb nickname.

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