"𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶"

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Beth walked into the hospital. She was with Meredith and Cristina. "So you and Derek? You're having too much sex. There's only so long I can hear him moaning. And it's something I never wanted to hear if I'm being perfectly honest," she said.

Meredith turned to Derek's sister. She nodded. "Well what about you and Owen?"

"That's not the point. Owen and I... it's just easy. And easy is what I need," Beth said with a shrug.

Meredith nodded. "Yeah. Okay."

Beth had been in a relationship with Owen Hunt for a couple of weeks. It was going well. But Beth had found herself craving something more.

Lexie walked into the room. She looked to the residents. "He said Karev," she told them.


Beth rolled her eyes. "Are you sure?" She asked. Lexie was her favourite intern. And she was protective of jet.


Meredith nodded. "You're "sure" sure?" She asked as she looked to her sister.

This time, Graciella walked into tell the residents. "Stevens! He said "Stevens!"

Beth rolled her eyes. "Well, which is it, Stevens or Karev?" She asked. She was really starting to not like the interns.

"This is stupid. You guys are gonna trust these imbeciles to tell you who's getting the solo surgery?" Cristina said.

Izzie smirked. "Is this hard for you, being banned from the solo surgery? It must be really hard for you," she said.

Beth smiled and shrugged. "He may change his mind. He's been known to change his mind," she told them.

Alex shook his head. "Please don't do that," he said. Knowing he wanted to be the one who got the surgery.

You guys go ahead and, uh, will yourselves to be voted in. Use "the secret," Izzie said.

Steve, the intern, ran in. "Grey! Uh, the chief said "Grey."

"What? Come on. This is bogus."

Beth rolled her eyes and scoffed. "You're just figuring that out?" She said.

Izzie shook her head. "Steve is not a lip-reader."

Bailey walked in "None of the interns are lip-readers. You just have to wait for the attendings to vote just like we did when I won," she told them all.

Beth looked to her. "You won your solo surgery?" She asked with a look at her.

Bailey nodded. "I'm just gonna pretend you didn't feel the need to ask me that question, Shepherd. Of course I won. I was good. I didn't cut l-vad wires ... or put my hand in bomb-y body cavities or have my interns operating on themselves. I was special. I was young, gifted and black, and everybody knew it. The attendings knew it. The chief knew it. I didn't have to act like I could read lips. Just go about my work calmly, and waited for my name to get called," she said.

Lexie walked back in. "Okay. It's done."

"Oh, whatever, helen keller."

Lexie shook her head. "No, I'm serious. The chief sent me. They made their choice."

"Who is it?"

Lexie pointed to the resident in question. "It's you."


Webber walked over to the residents. "I am happy to announce that the first solo surgery will take place tonight ... a below-the-knee amputation, bone cancer," he said.

NO RULES, Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now