"It is a very thoughtful gift Starlight, thank you." Moon thanked you and you grinned, which made his mind come up with a lovely little prank.

"Of course, no worries!" You said to which he smiled innocently before grinning at you wickedly. He watched you give him a confused smile before it turned into a startled expression as he suddenly grabbed you and threw you into the water nearby, causing you to shriek.

"Sunshine!" Sun yelped as he quickly rushed after you, causing Moon to cackle at the sight.
He continued to cackle as he watched the two of you thrash about in the water before Sun finally got a hold of you and carried you out, the both of you now sopping wet. He chuckled at your disgruntled gazes, enjoying your misery as you sighed before tapping Sun's arm to let you down. Moon saw his reluctance, but he relented too quickly for you to notice and as soon as you were on your feet again you yawned loudly before turning toward the two of them.

"Welp, guess I'll start getting the evening routine started a little early then. I'll get you guys dinner and then I'm gonna go to bed, alright? So that means no more throwing me in the water Moon! I stink enough due to the water as it is!" You said with a cute little pout. He chuckled before nodding, watching as you relaxed somewhat at him though your eyes remained playfully wary.

"Of course Starlight. No more unexpected swims...For now." You sighed dramatically at this before smiling and nodding as you headed off to get their food. The two of them watched you go with fond expressions, but once you stepped into the storage area which had been replenished last night, Sun turned to Moon with a serious expression which Moon returned.

"I looked for Vanessa earlier today and I know what she looks like now. She's a female human with light blond and pink hair with green eyes, she should be fairly easy to find during your hunt. As for Clide, I didn't need to check, his scent has been growing super strong as of late, so he should be easy to find tonight." Sun said quietly and Moon nodded with a grin. This was why he usually asked Sun for help when he was about to go hunting, Sun was always able to find his prey with no problem and once Moon knew what he was looking for, nothing could escape his grasp. He was about to ask a few more questions about Vanessa and where she might be when they heard the storage area close and you started walking towards them, to which Sun smiled widely. "Welcome back Sunshine! What's for dinner tonight?"

"I thought we could have some tuna tonight to celebrate considering it's Moon's favorite, is that alright with you Sun?" You asked and Sun nodded wildly.

"Of course! Anything of yours will be perfect!" He said and you giggled before handing him a few tunas. Sun squealed happily before jumping into the water to eat. Once he was gone, you turned to Moon to give him his, but right when Moon was about to take it he realized something: He had yet to give you a gift.
He quickly jumped into the water at that thought and rushed after Sun, ignoring your cries as he needed to know how Sun made that pearl. As soon as Moon caught sight of him, he grabbed his brother's arm and yanked him back, causing him to yelp and drop his fish. Sun let out a cry before turning back to Moon with a frustrated expression

"Moonie?! Why'd you do that?! I was just about to eat the delicious fish Sunshine gave me!" He whined loudly, but Moon ignored him.

"I need you to show me how you made that pearl for (Y/n)." He said shortly, surprising Sun. For a few seconds, Sun just stared at him before grinning widely and crossing his arms.

"Well, well, well, look at who's gotten soft for a human~ Didn't know you had it in you Moonie-OW!" Sun yelped as Moon thwacked him with his tail, annoyed. "Alright, alright, alright! I'll tell you, it's really simple! All you have to do is compress your heart magic, that's all you have to do!"

"Your heart magic?!" Moon asked, his eyes widening in shock. He knew Sun had used magic to create the pearl, but this was- "Sun that's like asking them to be your lifelong mate! You do realize that, don't you?"

Into the Deep (Yandere!Mermaid Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipse x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now