Chapter 1

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Location: Thavari Mansion, Kingdom of Midgar
Status: Alive
Name: Castien Thavari

Eight years have passed since the unknown deity gave him another chance to live. During that time, he has read countless books and been able to learn new things about the new planet he is living in, including its cities, landscapes, and political structure.

Regretfully, the majority of the periphery lacked the technical sophistication of the capital city, making it a haven for bandits. It's a good thing the mansion is close to Midgar's capital because his family chose to build it there, surrounded by nature's children, with the field's sharp grass shining brightly in the sunlight and the trees dancing against the breeze.

Very few people on this planet are actually capable of using magic, even though every living form has a strong mana fragrance to it. Many people have chosen to ignore this fact and have only just begun to learn how to use magic. He is fortunate to be among the select few people who possess the ability to wield magic with proficiency. In fact, Castien is able to control the limitless mana stored within living things and use it to carry out a variety of blood-like tasks without having to use up any more blood.

After going through books of magic, he discovered that most magic users in this world, also called "Jörd," only use chants to cast spells with staffs, wands, or their hands alone—that is, if they actually spit the spell out correctly—as opposed to the few who can cast waves of spells at their foe without the need for an incantation.

Furthermore, he developed an immediate interest in one particular city. There are very few Samaritans in Lawless City, where criminal syndicates have the freedom to operate with unbridled impunity. It didn't surprise him that the city was run amok; it was nearly like Jörd's vision of South America, where several cartels rule.

He was taken in by this one individual who was in charge of the criminal paradise. Her background in blood magic fascinated him, especially since she is a vampire who has traveled across the earth for many years.

"Elisabeth, the Blood Queen..." The boy muttered under his breath, "her title's seem bland but eh." His eyelids rolled and a tiny sigh from his lips as he processed the data he had taken in.

After finishing what he needed to, Castien went through the shelves once again and returned the work of literature. He took a sharp turn and opened the door just to see his mother waiting for him.

What was her name again? Yeah, Ameria Thevari. His golden eyes stared upwards at his mother making eye contact with the woman and did not hesitate to change his posture as your typical child.

"You've been entering the library for quite some time..!" Ameria chuckled, lowering herself to his level. Her soft, paled hands lifted and held on to his tiny hands.  

"Lunch is almost ready, dear. We don't want your father waiting for us downstairs." Ameria smiled, crossing her arms against her chest. "It's a roasted goose." 

"Roasted goose? Thank you, Mother!" Playing along with his mother to make sure his actual nature remained hidden, he replied and ran downstairs.

As soon as he was downstairs, his attention was drawn to the dining table, where the aroma of the newly roasted goose filled his nose. Moreover, he saw a variety of meals that the maids had placed on the table, including mashed potatoes, fresh fruit from the market, and other items he was too sluggish to list.

"Ah, you're here." A deep-toned voice resonated faintly throughout the large chamber, catching the young boy's attention from the steps.

"Greetings father." Castien bowed in an instant, considering the family belief system still old as fuck, this hag before him is the leader of this household.

He took a seat and adjusted while keeping his gaze fixed on the roasted geese. The tiny feast started as his mother appeared; with a little assistance from his Ameria, pieces of goose meat were given to each other filling their plate with various foods from the table.

The young man tasted the seasonings and the meat's tenderness melt in his tongue as he took a bite out of it. It didn't matter how many roasted geese he had eaten with the Thavari family—he was still happy, happy to at least to get a decent meal.

His eyes shifted towards his family, studying them and carrying about their lunch as normal, all while he carefully worked his way through the goose meat, leaving no crumbs behind, taking up a slice of flatbread from the table and chomping into it lavishly. Apart from the sound of cutlery striking their plates as they withdrew the chunks of meat, there was a peaceful silence in the space.
"How was the goose, dear?" His mother interrupted the peaceful silence trying to initiate a conversation with her son.

"Taste the same Mother, but I always enjoy the quality of the goose." He responded in a truthful yet in a calm demeanor.

Ameria gave a light chuckle upon hearing her son's response, truly reminds him of someone she knew in the Kagenou family many years ago during her early 20s.

Like always, Castien was the first to finish his breakfast, filling his stomach and getting him prepared for his "playtime" outdoors.

The child would venture out of the dining room, only to have his mother call him back. An anxious voice reminded him, "Just be safe when playing outside, okay? I don't want you to inflict more injury on yourself."

Reassuring the woman near him, his father stated, "My love, our boy will be fine."

Upon obtaining an acknowledgment from Castien, he was led by his maids out of the manor and allowed to let his energies run wild, not knowing what his real intentions were.

While exploring the forest behind his house, the young man continued to scout farther into the woods. His gaze was drawn to a squirrel that was emerging from one of the trees, minding its own business.

The animal will, regrettably, meet its demise shortly. He executed a sweeping gesture with a long strand of reddish-crimson blood threads, chopping the squirrel into tiny pieces as if it were nothing.

He observed the squirrel tumble to the ground, leaving its blood on the grassy field. Feeling content with his actions, he inhaled deeply and spoke. "This would be a great spot."

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