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Status: Unknown
Name: Yamanaka Atsushi

Darkness was the only sight he had seen besides the bloodied uniform he had worn in his past life. He felt weightless as if his body was hanging by a string.

Atsushi couldn't do anything, trying to fight it would be futile for him. No one was here to help him or at least to accompany him into the abyss.

Yet a booming voice caught the attention of the man, a figure donned in bright light appeared before him sitting on its golden throne. Was this God? Though he was a non-believer of any sort of religion, this might be the deity everybody has been worshipping back on earth.

"A sad death for a mercenary like you." It said in a feminine-like voice making him caught off guard in the process.

He'd usually expected the deity to be a man, of course, it probably just changed forms to appease him somehow. But, it won't matter to him anyway.

"Though I could send you off into the so-called...hell that your people believe." It said, lifting its head from resting against its palm.

"But, I have grand plans for you dear." It said with a crackle. "You shall be reborn in a new world, to eliminate a reincarnator like you who has been sent to the world by rivaling gods." It continued, letting out a sigh in annoyance.

Lifting its finger, a streak of light pierced right through the mercenary's head filling his mind with skills and requirements before he would be reborn.

The mercenary let out an agonizing roar upon receiving the gift bestowed before him, millions of voices and imagery jammed into his brain, and couldn't fight back the deity's gift.

A click from its tongue echoed through the void drowning out the screams of the man. With a snap of its finger, his body began to be illuminated in a bright light making him vanish from the dark abyss and now in the process of reincarnation.

This would be a great battle between two reincarnators, like a gladiator game for deities, using the souls of the dead to fight each other for entertainment.

Location: Somewhere in the Kingdom of Midgar, Jörd.

"YOU'RE ALMOST THERE MADAM, JUST PUSH!" Her hands gripped the wooden rails of her queen-sized bed as she screamed in pain while being encouraged by her doctor to use every ounce of her strength to release the baby from her chest.

The head of the baby was finally visible to the eyes of the doctor, without any second thought, he slowly and gently retrieved the baby so as not to damage the infant. And alas, the delivery was a success, the cry of the infant boy resonated in the chamber as it wailed around the doctor's arms.

Her screams from her labor have finally died out leaving a heavy breath from all the pain she had to endure just so a new heir to be born in the Thevari family.

It was not her first time doing this, yet she was glad that she had given birth to a living and breathing young child rather than the corpse of an infant inside her womb.

"My lord, it's a healthy young boy!" The doctor declared with signs of enthusiasm in his tone.

The old man, no more in his 30s took the child from the surgeon's hand. His caramel-brown eyes stared down at the crying child before lifting the infant into the air. "My shall be named, Castien." He spoke in a calm-toned voice.

His eyes shifted towards his wife, who was breathing heavily and finally able to give birth to a healthy infant compared to her previous Labor which gave birth to a dead child.

"My love, this man will be the next heir of our lovely mansion. He will learn great things in the future."

The woman turned to look at the infant with a tired smile cracked on her face, her delicate hands caressing the cheek of the crying child until fatigue got to her.

Her husband watches her hand go limp causing her to pass out from exhaustion. Staring at the surgeon, he soon gave out orders to the man to monitor the health of his beloved while the crying Child was on her lap.

"Let the child be fed by her exhausted mother, it needs the energy to survive in this fucked-up world."

Following that, the husband immediately left the chamber with the door shut behind him. The surgeon shifted his focus toward the baby and groaned, annoyed by the fact he would strip the mother lightly just for the child to drink milk.

"This would be a pain in the ass."

A/N: For anyone wondering why I suddenly posted a new story, this is just a practice fanfiction for me to improve after I stopped writing for a whole good year.

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