Chapter 29:: Be Spontaneous

Start from the beginning

"The issue is that I've been dating this girl, as a fake relationship to try and get Lois jealous...will she be mad at me for lying to her?" I bite my lip and look up at my mom, suddenly wary. What happens if Lois doesn't want to be with me, even after I've told her I return her feelings? Will I lose her as a friend and a crush? Everett seemed so positive that she needed space, but I can't imagine how I would feel had it been me who'd confessed my love to Lois and she didn't reply. She needs to know how I feel about her; I just really hope it's enough to make her stay with me.

"You went down that route, huh?" Mom sighs, "I shouldn't think she'd be angry, but you need to make sure that she knows it's a fake relationship before you start confessing your feelings. Explain your side of the story, and then tell her why you did it. Tell her how unsure you were of whether she liked you back, and how desperate that made you. Then finish it with the confession." Mom orders, "Now, what time does her shift start? You need to be there as soon as you can. Make her feel like she's wanted- her confusion has gone on long enough." She pushes me slightly and I stand up.

"Okay I'm going," I nod, "Will you be okay here on your own?"

Mom's eyes seem to flash with pain again for a second. "Sweetie, just because my romance didn't work out, doesn't mean I want to risk yours. I want a daughter in law and grandchildren, and I want said daughter in law to be Lois. Get your ass into gear and stop worrying about me."

"Okay I'm off to get the girl," I roll my eyes, ambling to the door.

"You better, or you're grounded for a month!"

I roll my eyes at my crazy mom, but I can't help but feel a new kind of urgency in my step. My pace has quickened whether I like it or not: I need to see Lois.


My eyes instantly meet hers as I walk into the Beach Café.

Lois is stood with a mop in her hand, clearing the floors while the last customers are eating. I know that in fifteen minutes, the café will shut, and my plan is to ambush her at the end- so that we're alone. It's time we talked everything over. She stares at me for a second, before blushing and ducking behind her brunette hair. The sadness and frustration I saw in her expressions earlier have disappeared, which is good. Maybe Everett was right: maybe she did need a little bit of space for a few hours. It seems to have done her some good. I look at her for a second longer, before targeting Ben across the room and making my way over to him. I texted him just before I left the house, to let him know my plan. He's going to sit with me in the fifteen minute wait.

"Hey bro," Ben greets as I sit down. "Nervous?"

"No," I snort, but really my heart seems to speed up every time I think about what I'm going to do. I turn around not-so-subtly and watch as Lois cleans the floor. A couple of guys are glancing over as she bends over slightly, and my fists tighten on the table. I shoot them an icy glare, even though they haven't spotted me, releasing my anger in one quick exhale before turning back to Ben again. He watches me with one eyebrow raised. "What?" I ask defensively. "I'm not nervous."

"Yeah alright," Ben hums sarcastically. "Dude, I think it's time we had the talk."

"The talk?" My eyes widen. "Um, I am aware of the birds and the bees already thank you, I'd prefer not to have that chat all over again."

"You idiot," Ben rolls his eyes, "I mean the talk where I ask you if you're positive about all of this. Are you ready for a relationship? Because if one day you hurt're probably going to have a whole armed mob after you. Everett, myself and all of her girlfriends, specifically. Are you ready to commit?" Ben leans forward, eyes narrowing. "I know you like her man, but if you hurt her..."

I Almost Killed My Crush's MomWhere stories live. Discover now