𝑪𝒉. 𝟐𝟔 | 𝑪𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎!

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me sir," the room service interrupts.


"Are you looking for the lady that stayed in this room?" he asks.

"I am."

"She just headed downstairs with her luggage."

"Thank you."

I take the lift to the ground floor and make my way to the reception where I see her sitting in the lounge with her suitcase on her phone. She's dressed in a red full sleeve knitted turtleneck and a tight mini skirt that hugs her waist and thighs. My eyes caught upon her legs which were bare. Warm electrical pulses instantly started running through my body to heat me up. Ignoring that, I sign out and then turn back to her where my eyes are still fixated on her naked legs. She looks prettier from closer.

"Let's go."

She looks up and sees I've arrived. She's not talking to me since the swimming pool incident, But I know she will get over it as time goes. We enter the conference room with many other business owners. I take a seat next to Aira as it begins. We're progressing through the conference as I notice Aira staring at the thin air. Her hands are collided together with her scratching the edge of her thumb with the other. She's nervous.

I slide my hand in between hers and lock it with one of her hands. She turns straight to me for a comforting look that I give to her. My thumb softly caresses her skin. I look back to the front. It was only a moment before she tried to fight off my graze. This time I don't force anything and let it go.

Her anger is still raw and warm. She interacts a bit with other people after the conference but not too much. The hurry to plug her AirPods in her ears and escape the place was there because that's what she did as soon as we got into the cab. As much as I want to talk to her I know I shouldn't.

All I can think of right now is what Noah told me before we left for Melbourne. It looks like I'm going to have to give Laura another visit. Meanwhile Aira's naked legs do a great job in distracting me. No matter how many times I snatch my eyes away from them, they always end up back there. Our seats are next to each other on the airplane too and she takes the window seat.

The flight is one and a half hour long and the state of her legs were going to make this one and half hour way too slow. I take my coat off and chuck it onto Aira's legs. She picks it up and throws it back, right onto my face.

"Cover your legs," I instruct catching in my palms.

"No. This is my body and I can do whatever I want," she stubbornly argues folding her arms over her chest.

"I know that but cover your legs."

She doesn't argue back. Oh, she well knows that it's the worst when she doesn't say another word. I place my hand on her further thigh as I lean onto her.

"Get off me or I'll scream," she threatens.

I cover her mouth with my other hand before she even attempts to.

"You better cover your legs now or I won't even think twice before I drag you into one of these bathrooms and fuck the no out of you," I whisper above her lips.

I take my hands off her and hand her the coat back. She places it on her thighs and leans against the window of the plane. The plane ride from there was silent and I was bothered. Once we reached home she locked herself in her room. I however, pay a visit to Laura in her office.

"It's nice to see you here, Lex. You came sooner than I expected," she cheerly smiles.

I chuckle angrily as I walk towards her with my hands in my pocket.

"You think I wouldn't have found out," I glared.

"Found out what?" she asks getting up from her seat and coming towards me.

"About Connor. That it was all planned."

She laughs to the side and then looks back. God this

woman is a psychopath. It was so tempting to just pick her up and throw her out of her own office window.

"Glad that you're looking out for her. Oh, I wish I knew what it felt like to be her. Having the big protection of Lex Hudson," she sighs placing her arms around my neck.

"You wouldn't obviously know." I get her off me. "And get off me."


"I think you didn't understand my warning from last time," my lips smirked up.

"Oh I'd love to see what you'd do."

God, this woman is so shameless. In that moment, Connor walks in with his bandages. I instantly pull my gun out and shoot him in the leg. Laura gasps and he groans falling to the floor. She rushed to check up on him as the blood pooled around. I hid the gun back in my coat when her bodyguard entered in.

"Lex, are you crazy?" she yells.

"Next time the bullet will hit the chest, Laura. Your chest and don't test me for that," I kneeled down to her.

She focused on getting Connor hospitalised whilst I left her office.

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