𝑪𝒉. 𝟏𝟑 | 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏

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I slept better with the medication the doctor gave me but it's left my body a bit numb and sore. It feels like my muscles have been injected with laziness and pain at the same time. I spend most of my day resting, adjusting to the side effects of the medication when my eye catches on the laundry Lana dropped off. Lex's coat was there. The one he gave me that night.

I have argued with myself about whether I should give it to him or ask Lana to do it.  Ah, maybe I could bring up his birthday party this way. I hope he's not heated right now otherwise his volcanic lava-like anger would hit me. I grab his coat and head to his room. The anxiety in me rises as I feel goosebumps on my skin.

"You can do this," I say to myself.

I slowly turn the knob and peek into his room. It's

all empty but so messy with all his files thrown everywhere, his laptop open on his bed.

"Mr. Hudson," I call for him, walking in.

But there is no response. His window is open and there's a beautiful breeze. I walk over to it and the view is pretty. I can see the swimming pool which has a garden right next to it. It's a gorgeous backyard that could be utilized for mini picnics. How did I not see that when I came here first?

Well, I am always in my room but I can't even see the swimming pool or the garden from my window. All I can see from my window is a street view and the sky. Which is pretty good because so many stars are visible at night. It's one of my favourite things.

"Hehe, poor you. No one dives into you. You're just there, all alone," I say to the swimming pool.

"Who are you talking to?" Lex interrupts.

I turn around and he's standing shirtless in front of me with his towel wrapped around his waist. His muscles and perfect six-packs stand out on his tanned body. The drops at the edge of his wet hair fall over his forehead perfectly.

"The swimming pool," I tell, trying not to stutter.

The air in my throat minimised and it felt like it was closing. Lex places both his arms against the windowsill, caging me between his body. I could already start feeling my heart race again with each inch he took away between us by leaning more toward me.

His sparkling eyes hypnotise me, locking my gaze on him. The rays of the sun give him a golden filter, making him look like a Greek sculpture. God, I might even drown in them at this point. They're so gorgeous and crystal blue. I have always loved blue eyes but his are beyond perfect. How is he not flinching against the sun's rays though?

"Your coat," I broke the silence, bringing it up to his face.

"You could have asked Lana to drop it off," his voice roughly spoke in response. 

"I know but I wanted to know if..." my eyes wander off to study his biceps and perfectly built body. 

"If?" Lex's hand tilts my chin to make me look at him and not elsewhere.

"Birthday party," I spit out in stress.

"What?" his eyebrows yank upwards in surprise.

"I- I uh mean that," I lick my bottom lip as I try to catch some oxygen through the nervousness.  "Your birthday is coming up and your sister and Nan came across the seven seas to celebrate it with you because you love them. Wait, no, because they love you and you said no which is pretty sad because you get presents on your birthday and you never celebrate your birthday because of your volcanic temper," I blabbed out. 

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