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Nuu snaps out of his thoughts when he hears a buzzing sound from his phone, telling him that he got a text message.

He blinks his eyes, taking in a breath when he feels wetness down his cheek. He lifts his palm and indeed, he was crying.

He wipes his tears off and picks up his phone. Unlocking his phone, he sees a message from Nat.

“Nuu, it’s our high school reunion next weekend. You know about it, we have it every year and everyone in our batch met up along with their family. But P'Zee is refusing to come. Max is trying to speak him out but he isn’t listening to my husband. Please try to convince him.”

Oh, Nuu does remember.

He isn’t from the same school as his husband and the rest. He had gone to a missionary school since he was a kid which also owned the orphanage he grew up at. He wasn’t close with anyone from there.

All his friends left him and went to leave their own lives out in the city. He can’t blame them, that’s how the world work. His only friends were the kids he took care of and he never really met them that often.

But Dew was different. His group of friends was everything for him. He was close with almost everyone in his batch and he would never miss a reunion.

Nuu…hadn’t been to these reunions with Dew. A couple of years into their relationship, Dew had him to be his date for those reunions, but Nuu claimed he is just his boyfriend and not his family to tag along.

Deep down he just didn’t want to cause any scandal for Dew.

Dew had let go of that issue but when they got married, Nuu did have the right to go, but he just couldn’t, by virtue of his mother-in-law.

Of course, she didn’t want Dew's friends, who are also influential figures in society to know Dew is married.

So he had lied, claiming he didn’t like crowded places and he isn’t friends with anyone so he will be bored.

It was obvious to the alpha that the omega is lying.

But Dew didn’t question him, reluctantly agreeing. Now, he isn’t sure if he should go along with Zee.

Sighing, he slowly walks up to his door, opening it, only to find Zee in the veranda feverishly speaking on the phone.

“Max I told you I can’t come. How many times should I tell this to make you understand??

He can see Zee being exhausted and clearly frustrated with this discussion with his friend.

The alpha sighs for the millionth time after listening to his friend speak.

“Because you want me to bring Nu!! I know rumors of my marriage are circulating quite heavily in the business world but I do not want to deal with them right now!!

Listen, I know you want me there and I also want to go to the reunion. But..why don’t you try to understand?? I can’t come.

I do not want to deal with it alone and if I have to agree with these rumors, I will have to bring along Nu to shut those annoying people and I…I just don’t what to make it uncomfortable for him.

Even if he isn’t here, Dew...Dew is also part of our batch and that might retrieve his healing wounds and I don’t want that. Enough with this Max. I am not coming and that’s it. End of discussion. Tell this to everyone. Bye.”

Zee cuts the call even before Max can speak, huffing out air and waking into his room briskly, shutting the door behind him.

Nu suddenly feels guilty.

He never thought he would be the reason behind Zee not going to his reunion. Sure, he might be uncomfortable, but Zee is someone who enjoys the reunions as much as Dew does and he doesn’t want to hold him back from doing what he wants to do.

It’s really sweet of him to think about Nu's well-being before his, and moreover, Zee had been soo good to him all this time.

And this is something that he can do in return. With that in mind, he walks back to his bed planning a way to tell the alpha about his decision.

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