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Ragini had already assigned her emergency cases to other doctors. She booked her ticket to kolkata and a hotel room too, she was nowhere gonna go to meet anyone.  Ragini returned to Raichand mansion in afternoon.

Kaveri- Ragini you came early.

Ragini- Yes mom, i have a flight for kolkata in evening naa.

Just then Ananya enters with dev.

Mumma dev runs to Ragini.

Ale merra baby, how was your day. asked Ragini.

It was good mumma. said Dev.

You ate chocolate asked ragini.

Dev looks at Ananya, she too bites her tongue. 

You both wont change right. said Ragini showing fake anger

Sorry Mumma said dev holding his ears cutely.

Awwie my baby said Ragini. Sorry bhabhi said ananya too.

Pagal said Ragini hitting ananya's head lightly.

Ragini took dev and changes his clothes, she also packs her bag.

Ragini- Dev Mumma, is going out for 2-3 days, so in my absence dont make dadai, badi dadi and bhua run here and there, be a good boy ok baby

Dev- Yes Mumma. , i mill miss u.

Aww i will miss you too baby. And yes no chocolates ok. replied ragini

Ok  Mumma. said Dev.

It was evening. Kabir was back from his office.

Ragini was ready to leave too, just then a voice came.

It was Rihaan, Kabir's business partner and best friend.

Rihaan smiled Ragini. They hug, Rihaan was like a brother to Ragini.

You here she asked.

Yaa Kabir told me you are going to kolkata so thought will come and meet my sister. said Rihaan

Wait, when did i tell u she is going to kolkata, i told you she is going out of station. replied Kabir with his raised eyebrows.

Rihaan and Ananya looks at each other, which did not went unnoticed by Ragini, who smiled.

Rihaan- Arrey you forget , u told naa remember

Before Kabir could say, Ragini cuts him off and says- let it be, i am glad u are here, and btw lets go, my flight time.

Yaa Kabir and dev goes to drop Ragini.

Ragini was talking to dev on the way and telling him what to do and not to do.

Kabir smiles at them, he really needed a mother for dev and he got one in Ragini.

Kabir- Ragini, your baby boy has grown up , hai naa champ

Yes papa replied dev.

Yaa yaa i know said Ragini.

They laugh and talk. They reached airport and soon Ragini was on her flight to Kolkata.

Here as Ragini gets on flight Kabir and dev drive back to raichand mansion.

As Ragini sits in plane she reflects on how her life changed in these 3.5 yrs.


It has been almost a month she has been working in Sanjeevani mumbai as doctor, she had her degree after completion but could not practice bcz dadi had not agreed and then marriage fiasco and all that. But now she was free from all that. One day while she was on duty a lady came in with a 1yr 3 month old baby.

Dont worry , i will check, said ragini

Ragini checks the baby and writes medicines.

He is so cute, what is his name asked ragini.

Dev Raichand said the lady.

And you? asked Ragini.

I am his grandmother Kaveri Raichand.

ohh, btw his mother? asked Ragini.

She died few months ago replied Kaveri.

I am sorry, said Ragini, btw i have written medicines he will be fine soon. And if you need here 's my number too.

Kaveri takes her card. Its been 6 months and Ragini was attached to dev, she use to visit Raichand mansion to check dev whenever he was unwell.

One day while Ragini was returning to her room from sanjivani, Kaveri called her in Raichand mansion. Dev had a bit of fever. Ragini gave him medicine and made him sleep.

Ragini- ok now i should leave.

Kaveri- Ragini, wait, i wanna ask you something.

Ragini- What aunty?

Kaveri- Ragini , i dont know how to say this, u may find me selfish but will you, will you marry Kabir.

Ragini looked at Kaveri shocked.

Kaveri- Ragini , dev is attached to you and we think u will be a good mother. You can take your time.

Ragini nods.

Flashback over as announcement said

Here The flight is about to land on Kolkata airport.  Ragini opens her eyes.

As she gets out of airport Ragini thinks - Still the air of this city is same as it was 3.5 yrs back.

She takes the cab and goes to the hotel "ITC Royal Bengal" were she had booked a room for herself. Ragini checks in the hotel and relaxes herself.

Screen freezes.

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