𝑪𝒉. 𝟏𝟕 | 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒌

Start from the beginning

"Aira, did anything... happen last night?" he hesitantly asked.

"Nothing happened. Now get out of my room," I coldly answered.

He quietly left and I decide to get ready. I head downstairs and wait for Lex at the dining table but he takes forever to come down. I made him a drink for his hangover which I had Lana give him before I headed for the office. The volcanic lava like anger in him is already a pain in the ass, I don't need to deal with his hangover.

I'm at the office today as the site is finished being organised. The first half of the day goes wasted in a meeting with one of our clients and during the second half when I approach my assistant, Lex gave me a call into his cabin. I don't have a good feeling about this. He tried kissing me twice. Just as much as I don't want to know what is going on in his head, I want to as well. Just so I was prepared for everything he threw at me. He was busy on the phone when I walked into his cabin.

"We have an urgent client tomorrow that's coming at 9am for a meeting," he informed.

"Who?" I asked further.

"His name is Noah Devyns. I need you to prepare the presentation," he grunted in his headache a bit.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll do that right now."

"Here's the file. Just have a look."

I can see Lex hasn't gotten over his headache yet. He probably hasn't eaten anything either. He's been in his cabin since he got here and after the meeting too, he came straight back here. I go to the cafeteria to get two plates of food. Something in me is forcing me to care for him whilst something in me is panicking. I head over back to his cabin and enter with the plates on a tray.

"What are you-" he starts to talk.

"You have a headache and by the looks of it you probably didn't eat anything as well," I cut him off, placing the tray on his table.

Files and papers are all over the place. I pick them up and stack them before I place his plate in front of him. He doesn't argue back for the first time which does annoy me. But all I feel is empathy for him. I sit down in front of him, I take my plate and start eating.

Neither of us starts a conversation, which is annoying. I'm getting annoyed by his silence. I wait for him to finish his food and then give him some medicine for his headache. He still doesn't argue or reject. He's probably doing this on purpose.

"You don't have to do this," he finally spoke up.

"I did it anyways."

I grab the empty plates on the tray and start to head towards the door. I turn back to look at him one more time.

"It's only out of sympathy. Don't take any other meaning for this," I clarified so he didn't get the wrong idea.

His face dropped upon hearing my words. As it should. I spent the rest of my day preparing for the presentation for our new client. I've read his file and this contract that he'd be willing to do is a long-term one. I am a bit nervous as this is a big deal and he would be one of our most important clients if he's impressed to work with us.

Back at home I still work on it. It's not finished yet. I've been working on this for hours. For a deal like this, I at least need a week's notice. Lex tries talking to me at the dinner table but I ignore. Which does make him lose his temper. He had a little tantrum on the table which I wasn't in the mood for because I was already stressed about the meeting tomorrow so I angrily left the table and headed up to my room. He still didn't hesitate. Lex followed me up into my room upon seeing no reaction from me to his short temper blew-up. He barges in before I do and throws himself on my bed.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get out of my room," I scolded.

He doesn't listen to me and continues to lie there. And soon enough he takes his belt off and unbuttons his shirt. I instantly look away because I know I will get flustered and my heart will start racing at this shameless act of his.

"What are you doing!" I yell.

"I sleep shirtless," he casually informs.

I scoffed and cursed him under my breath, keeping my eyes away from him. Consistent begs escaped my mouth for him but he refused to listen at any cost. It's getting pretty late and I need to wake up early tomorrow to finish the presentation. At this point, I grab my pj's and head out of my room and into Lex's. I'm so going to get back at him for that, sooner or later. 

The alarm on my phone rings at five am. I don't instantly get ready but I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I head back to my room and Lex is sound asleep. He's hugging one of my pillows as the other one is beneath his face. He lays flat on his stomach... shirtless. I sit at my work table and turned the mini lamp on for some light to finish the presentation for today's meeting. I'm done by 7am and Lex is still sound asleep.

Normally he wakes up around 6 - 6:30 am. I don't bother waking him up either because he could be awake but just didn't feel like waking up. I chose to wear a red silk top that is carried by golden metal chains with black long pants and a black blazer coat. By the time I was done showering and doing my makeup, it was 8am and Lex was still sound asleep.

I know my mattress is the best but get off of it. And we have a very important meeting today! I give him a wake before I head downstairs for breakfast but he whines like a baby and continues to sleep. Lex still doesn't come down after I finish my breakfast.

This guy is getting on my nerves first thing in the morning. I head back up to grab my things to find him still lying on my bed. I'm at the very edge of shitting tears right now. We have an important meeting in thirty minutes and he's asleep.

"Lex, get up! We have an important meeting to attend today," I reminded him with a hard shake.

He growled into my pillow, completely ignoring me. 

"Stop being a little crackhead of a moron. Get. The. Fuck. Up," I scolded to which he let out a little laugh.

"Good luck with the meeting. Make our company proud," he teased when I grabbed my things.

"I sure will," I say as I exit my room.

"Because I'm not a crackhead," I say opening the door back and yelling at him.

Then shutting the door loudly.

"Or lazy," I add getting back into the room for the last time and shutting the door loudly.

Why is he doing this early morning? I know he's doing this on purpose to annoy me. I head down to my Uber and get to the office fifteen minutes before the meeting's scheduled time. I set up my laptop and tried to cope with my nervousness. My blazer is off my body as I feel excessive heat radiations. Time ticks and now there are only five minutes left till the meeting starts and Lex still isn't here yet!

"Ma'am, the clients are here," my PA comes in to tell.

"Bring them in," I instructed.

I ring Lex's phone but he doesn't pick up. The anxiety levels in me are greater than the sea levels are rising due to global warming right now. I will end up in hospital because of a BP shoot if this man doesn't turn up to this meeting. I am going to beat his ass up.

My PA leads the client into the meeting room.  The group is led by a young guy. He has crystal blue eyes that hold the ocean. He's tanned with a perfect body and wavy dark brown hair. A butterfly tattoo stands out from the right side of his neck whilst his left earlobe is pierced with a sparkly diamond ear stud.

"Good morning," he greeted coming forward to me with a handshake.

His white teeth perfectly shine through his splendid smile.

"I'm Noah. Noah Devyns," he introduces himself.

"Aira. Aira Perrier," I introduce myself as I hand my hand in his for a handshake.

I can't get my eyes off him. He's so gorgeous, gorgeously perfect in every way. His nose, lashes, hair. Everything.

"Nice to meet you, Aira," he sweetly says piercing his eyes into mine.

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