𝑪𝒉. 𝟏𝟒 | 𝑪𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒆 𝑩𝒖𝒓𝒏

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"Mr. Hudson, leave my arm," she grits her teeth in anger which pisses me off. 

Why is she mad? Why does she get angry? 

"You don't get to be mad, Aira," I yelled harshly, pushing her against one of the walls in this room. 

I press my entire heat onto her desperately. Her looking up to me and trying to talk is annoying. Her other hand is placed above my bicep as she slowly breathes.

"Lex," she softly calls out looking directly into my eyes with her hypnotising ones.

Her eyes try to calm the anger down in me and it even starts to work. My grip on her arm eases swiftly as I can't help but melt my gaze onto her beautiful face. Why does this pretty face always manage to throw me over the edge and piss me off? 

Come on Aira just once, don't do anything stupid. My body forces itself to join with hers, completely feeling hers against my chest. An erection comes to process when the heat of her body mixes against mine.

"Are you trying to take your work stress out on me again?" she innocently asks.

That's when I break out of her thoughts and remember why I came here. Her eyes fill with fear when she sees the flames of my busted temper fill mine again.

"I know you must have offered Liz and Nan to come here because all you ever do is sit in one place and eat your stupid pastries and cupcakes. What type of a businesswoman does that? If setting this place up is too hard for you tell me. I'll hire someone else to do this so you can get back to the office and sit in your stupid cabin like a useless decoration piece and eat."

"Mr. Hudson, listen to me. I didn't-" she tries to object with her stupid words again.

I let go of her arm harshly, pushing her onto the floor. There's a hammer on the floor which I use to break the light switch, causing it to go dark. Aira screams getting up on her feet to escape but I grab her by the arm and swing her back into the room. The sound of her body collapsing against one of the boxes echoes.

"Lex, stop! Get me out of here," she cried as I locked the door from outside, leaving no way for her to escape this.

"You need a lesson!" I yell before leaving the site.

Back at home, Liz had called me down to Nan's room. I knew what this was about. It was about her and this was just before dinner too. 

"We were wondering if you have time for your birthday outfit shopping?" Liz started to discuss. 

"We're not celebrating anything. The party is off," I break the news.

Nan's face instantly drops as if her whole world has shattered. It's just a birthday party. 

"Why? Is it because we went with Aira to the site?" Nan stiffly questioned. 

"No, means no," I repeated, dodging the Aira questions. 

"No, Lex. I've noticed something since we've been here. That poor girl is always tensed around you. Why are you so harsh on her? Even today when we wanted to go to the site it took us nearly an hour to convince her because she was afraid that you will get mad," Nan explained getting on her feet.

"Oh, stop defending her. I know how she is," I scoff, folding my arms across my chest.

"No, you don't, Lex. If you did then you'd see how much she cares about me and Nan. How much she cares about us. After her busy days at the site, she still spends time with us. Something you should be doing, Lex," Liz shoots with broad shoulders trying to put me down.

My eyebrows narrow at her words, a tiny bit.

"We forced her to take us today. And for your information, she did not let us touch any setup work. She's been working hard all morning. She wouldn't let me climb stairs, knowing that I would have sore knees. You need to start being nicer to her," Nan said.

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