𝑪𝒉. 𝟖 | 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈

Start from the beginning

I can see the jealousy in Laura's eyes before I turn and walk out of the site. I had other things, Aira, to take care of. Jogging out, I looked for her and she was nowhere to be seen near the car. I knew her stubborn ass would not take that calmly. I see her walking in the middle of the road when I walk down a bit further. She must be crazy. There's a car at a distance from her.

"Aira!" I yell but she doesn't look back.

I run onto the road, consistently calling her name and telling her to move off the road, but she doesn't listen. The car is getting closer and closer to her. My heart thumped against my chest as I was running faster to catch up to her. I wrapped my arms around her, taking her in safely as my body spun the both of us away from the car.

"Can't you see!" I yell at the driver.

The car goes straight ahead, without looking or saying anything back. I pull Aira apart from me.

"Are you deaf? Or blind? Couldn't you hear me call your name? Or the car coming? What is wrong with you, Aira? Something could've happened to you," I frustratedly scolded.

"Stop acting like you care," she wimps.

It's hard to see her tears in the rain but she is crying. She turns her back to me as she walks back to the site. Her white blouse is drenched with water, revealing her blue bra.

The guys are not far away from her. I can see them staring directly at her chest. For God's sake, this girl is getting on my nerves. I take my coat off and give it to her from the back. She rejects it harshly, not wanting anything from me.

"Everything is visible through your white blouse," I softly said.

She looks up at me, staring with wide eyes. I cover her with my coat again and guide her steps back to the car. My hands are secured around her shoulders for security because they were waiting to get a good sight of her.

Their eyes do not leave us until we leave the sight. A few minutes pass and I turn my head to look at her. Tears were just dropping onto her lap, and she sat quietly. Very quiet.

Why does she have to cry about everything? I couldn't help but think about what the guys were saying about her. I take another look at her and back to the road. This weird vein in my head was stinging. I was affected and annoyed and I didn't exactly know why.

"For fuck's sake," I frown under my breath as I press my foot on the accelerator and increase the speed greatly.

I grab onto Aira's attention, her whole body shifting on the seat to look at me.

"Lex, slow down!" her voice ached with fear as she pleaded.

My foot only pressed harder when I couldn't control the strains of erupted temper flowing through my brain. What is she doing to me?

"I said slow down!" she yells but I don't listen to her.

It's like anger is rushing through me and it won't stop. I hear Aira start to cry again. Great! Does this girl ever not cry?


Lex is speeding and it's scaring the shit out of me. I feel like my heart will jump out of my body if this nightmare doesn't stop. I am never getting in the same car as this man ever again. I beg for him to slow down but he doesn't. Flashbacks of my parents' accident start coming in front of my eyes. The weather was exactly like this, and the car was at a very high speed. I look straight towards the windscreen like it's happening again. The voices of my mum and dad arguing. That bright flash of light.

"No!" I scream, covering my ears with my hands.

Lex finally stops the car. I couldn't help but cry. It's like I was back in that exact moment again. My heart, I could feel the pain and fear again.

"Stop, please stop," I sobbed under my breath, making tears run down my cheek.

Please Dad, Mum, stop arguing. Their voices get louder and louder in my head. Screaming at the top of their lungs! I feel the car rush past the road and there it was, that dead end, that huge tree. It was all happening again.

"Dad, please slow down," my voice cracks still having my soul stuck there.

"Aira!" Lex shook my arm.

My hands catch onto his big arm like I was holding my mum's that night from the passenger seat. Tightly. It wasn't finishing. It didn't finish until the car had hit the tree causing my mum's head to go through the window and hang against the sharp glass whilst my dad's head bashed on the steering wheel. My chest finally loosens for air and it all comes to an end. They're gone, again. I couldn't save them.

My eyes open to find Lex's voice questioning me. Saying words my brain mumbled and couldn't understand. Tears still run down my eyes as I look around. We're finally home. I quickly get out of the car and run up to my room, locking the door. I stand under the shower.

Throwing Lex's coat off myself, I turn the water to the hottest temperature and let it drop on me. I cover my mouth needing to scream but don't. Why can't I forget that incident? It's painful. I sit under the hot water for ages until I don't get over it. The weather outside doesn't seem any better.

"Aira, are you okay?" Lex asked banging on the door restlessly.

"I'm fine," I say turning the shower off with an aching voice. I change into my pajamas and tie my hair in a bun before I open the door. He hasn't changed and his hair is so messy. He walks into my room and I stand still at my door.

"Your room," he points out.

I look around and everything is wet. I left my window open, and the rain must've got in. How did I not notice?

"You can sleep in my room," he looks around.

"No, it's fine I can manage," I reject, just wanting to be alone.

I can see his temper rising. Why can't he control it? It's not hard to take a no. I would gladly sleep on the floor if I had to.

"Why is your face so red?" He stares at me and analyses. "And your hands and feet too?"

"I – I don't know," I lie.

He pulls me out of my room and locks it so I can't get back in. He takes me by my hand to his room and my body goes quiet not having any energy to argue with him. I sit down on his bed staring at the floor, recalling bits of that night again. I took a huge deep breath when the visuals came again, trying to hold my tears back. Lex comes back with a plate of food.

"Here," he says placing it next to me.

I pick up the plate of food and start eating it. Food was one way I tried to heal my emotions. I ate and ate, more than a bite, more than my mouth could take. Lex grabs a pillow and an extra blanket from his cupboard and leaves the room with my empty plate.

I lie down on the hard bed and fall into tears again. I hate this place. I wanted to go back to my aunt and uncle. To my sister and brother like cousins. Back to the people who cared for me.

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