𝑪𝒉. 𝟒 | 𝑶𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒆

Start from the beginning

I thought it was going to be something less luxurious but it's like a whole palace. I got to know that my cabin is on the very top floor. I take the elevator and enjoy the view I get of the city. But it was a fair ride, took me about 5 minutes to get to the top floor without any stops.

The place was so organised for a new settlement. Every candidate has their own desk but in a tight space. There are restaurants and cafes as well. I find my name written on the black glass door of a huge cabin. Beside it, is another glass door to a huge cabin with Lex's name.

"If it's black, how am I going to see the people that are outside?" I questioned myself.

"Go inside, you dimwit," a voice whispers amongst me.

I suddenly turn around as my arm bangs on the handle of the door. It's Lex.

"Set a code for your cabin so no one breaks into it," he instructs pointing to the keypad.

"It's bad to scare people like that," I point to his face.

His eyes follow my finger and then to my face. He rolls his eyes and goes into his cabin after setting his passcode. I am setting the passcode for the cabin when he comes back out again.

"Are you sure you're competent for running a business?" he asks commenting at my pace. "Or are you just here for the money?" he further taunted like my Uncle isn't a billionaire himself.

By money he was implying that regardless of being a billionaire's niece, I was still a gold-digger. Matter of fact he wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for my uncle. I was never given the right to interfere with major clients, rather just female ones because uncle was narrow-minded. But now that I think of it, I'm glad I didn't see this pretty face and ugly personality before, or else I would have thrown him off a cliff ages ago.

"Do you think I am a beggar!" I shout, catching everyone's attention towards us.

"What the fuck," Lex yells under his breath, madly.

I guess that really wasn't a good idea. He grabs my arms and pulls me into my cabin. Wait. I can see everything from the inside. This is so cool.

"Aira. I don't know how things work around Mr. Alzert's office," he starts taking steps towards me, making me take a few back in response. "But things in my office work differently," he angrily says watching me bump into the glass wall.

I look away from his glaring and burning eyes because they always look like they want to throw me off a building or into a flaming building because of how annoying I am.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, Aira," his voice gets deeper and more commanding.

I look up to him with a pout as my eyebrows corner to my nose. His face is so serious right now and it's nearly making me laugh because I find serious faces extremely funny.

"Why are you making these weird faces, Aira? Is this some kind of joke to you?" he scolds even more, taking another step forward.

"Mr. Hudson, I know I am very beautiful but if you cannot see please get glasses," I suggest trying to get out of this fight with him.

"What?" he scoffs, arching his neck back.

"You keep taking steps forward and forward like look at me, I'm literally against the glass door," I broke the news to him, looking to my sides. "Yeah, so glasses would be a really good option," my voice softened as the death stare rolled across his face for me.

"I think YOU ARE blind. YOU need glasses. YOU and beautiful," he chuckles, speaking up.

But I see his eyes studying every detail of my face like he hasn't seen someone like me. I am not full of myself, rather I am very beautiful. It was the first thing anyone talked about to me and I am not bragging. But to admit that this was the first pretty face I had seen amongst a man in a while was an unpleasant thought to my mind.

"You get the best plastic surgeon to fix that and you'd still be the most NON beautiful woman on this planet," he speaks again, wanting a response out of me so he can throw me around.

"I don't need-" I start to argue, giving him exactly what he wanted.

"Oh, shut up. I'm not here to argue over this stupid nonsense. We have to take interviews today and you'll be taking half of them in your cabin. And please set aside your childish behaviour I'm not tolerating that here," he stated, turning around to leave my cabin instantly.

Childish behaviour. Why don't you set aside your arrogant and rude behaviour and then come talk to me?

"Uncle, why did you get me into this? You could've asked one of your sons to deal with this," I talk up to myself since no one here wants to be fucking nice to me!

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