Chapter 17 - Acme Factory

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The trio stood in a line, glaring as Smart Ass and Psycho put their dirty paws all over Eddie and Jesse, frisking them up and down. It was then that Doom came down to check up on them and the weasels' progress.

"We searched Valiant and Red, Boss. The will ain't on 'em." Smart Ass relayed.

"Then frisk the woman!"

Eddie and Jesse attempted stop them from doing anything to her but Smart Ass aiming his gun at them was all that was needed to make them back away. They watched with hateful eyes as Greasy smirked, peeling back his sleeve in a slow manner, as if to savour the moment and slithered over to (Y/N).

"I'll handle this one." He mused, plunging his hand down the front of her dress.

She glared at him, as did the two men, but it wasn't long before Greasy withdrew his hand at break-neck speed and began howling in pain. A bear trap was clamped down on his hand and his weasel friends only laughed at him as he bounced around in agony.

"Nice booby trap." Jesse complimented, smirking down at her in amusement.

She giggled at his joke before giving out a simple, "Thank you."

Doom whacked Greasy with his cane, having had enough of his outburst, sending him crashing into a stack of boxes and effectively shutting up the rest of the weasels. The boxes sprayed out a bunch of fake eyeballs onto the floor, which no one really paid attention to as Doom turned to stare them down.

"Do they have the will or not?"

"Nah. Just this stupid love letter." Smart Ass replied, holding up Roger's lipstick note which Eddie swiftly took back.

"No matter. I doubt if that will is going to show up in the next fifteen minutes anyway."

Eddie stared at him in question as he asked, "What happens in the next fifteen minutes?"

"Toon Town will be legally mine. Lock, stock, and barrel."

Stupid suddenly called out to Doom, pointing at a hole him and Wheezy had been drilling through one of the factory walls, as he informed, "Duh, Toon Town's right on the other side of the wall, Boss."

"You see, Mr Valiant? The successful conclusion of this case draws a curtain for my career as a jurist in Toon Town. I'm retiring to take a new role in the private sector."

"That wouldn't be Cloverleaf Industries by any chance, eh?" Eddie asked.

"You're looking at the sole stockholder."

Doom walked over to something extremely large that was hidden by a tarp. He dropped a silver tray onto the floor, pulled aside the tarp just enough to reveal a tap. He opened it and soon a steaming, green liquid began to fill the tray.

"Can you guess what this is?" He asked in a sinister tone.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened at the sight as she screamed, "Oh my God, It's DIP!"

"That's right, my dear! Enough to Dip Toon Town off the face of the Earth!" He removed the tarp revealing a giant machine, which had a ginormous vat strapped to it and it was filled to the brim with Dip.

The trio looked at the monstrous machine in pure horror, (Y/N) almost fainting had it not been for Jesse standing close enough to catch her.

"A vehicle of my own design. Five thousand gallons of heated Dip, pumped at enormous velocity through a pressurized water cannon. Toon Town will be erased in a matter of minutes."

"I suppose you think no one's going to notice Toon Town's disappeared?" Jesse asked in a skeptical manner.

"Who's got time to wonder what happened to some ridiculous talking mice when you're driving past at seventy-five miles an hour?"

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