Chapter 3 - I Don't Work For Toons!

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Eddie and (Y/N) exited the studio, Eddie staring down at the check - whether in excitement or loathing, he wasn't entirely sure. He really did need the money but he didn't like that it came at the cost of (Y/N)'s dignity.

A Toon ostrich came sauntering up the steps as him and (Y/N) went down, and she huffed snootily before going inside. They didn't really pay her much mind as Eddie pocketed the check.

"I'm really sorry about this whole turn of events, Eddie..." (Y/N) mumbled, staring down at her shoes in dismay as a few other people walked by.

"You don't have to apologize for anything, (Y/N). I'm just sorry that you gotta be put in this situation."

Before (Y/N) could argue, a saxophone began to play a familiar tune, and they looked over to see a man playing for the broom Toons from Fantasia, who danced along to it as they swept the floors. A postman pelican on a bicycle came out from where they were, going into some kind of frenzy and losing control over his bike, shooting past the pair, and crashing into a wall.

Eddie looked on in confusion before a ballerina hippo bumped into him, before muttering a quick, "Oh! Excuse me."

(Y/N) and Eddie gave each other slightly concerned looks as they walked on.

"Eddie, I'm your assistant which means I help you with clients." (Y/N) pointed out while letters and papers flew all over the place, courtesy of the fallen pelican.

"That doesn't mean serving yourself up to some sweet-talking rabbit!"

 As they argued, they passed a bunch of cows who were practicing their mooing in a line, obviously waiting their turns for an audition.





They walked past all of them before seeing the hippo from earlier, getting ready to eat lunch, as she sat down on a nearby bench. However, it ended up giving out on her end, sending the man next to her flying into the air while others scrambled to help her up.

Eddie and (Y/N) both looked, as more Toons walked past them - a couple of Maleficient's minions. They weaved their way around the little critters before (Y/N) grabbed onto Eddie's jacket.

"I know that's not what my job is. But you need that money and I'm willing to help you anyway I can."

Eddie stared down at the small Toon woman, his eyes swirling with guilt. But, with no other options available to him, he didn't argue further. Instead, he reached out and pet her head in an endearing manner before walking off.


They eventually made their way out of Maroon Cartoon Studios and quickly rushed over to catch the Red Car trolley. The man was about to shut the door in their faces but Eddie stopped him, holding out the check and looking up expectantly.

"What do I look like, a bank?" The trolley man snapped, slamming the doors shut on the pair.

(Y/N) turned to glare at Eddie, who shrugged innocently. "I don't know why you even tried that, Eddie. Plus, that money must go to Delores!"

"Yeah, I know. You can't blame me for trying."

She rolled her eyes as the trolley started to take off. Eddie grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, waiting for the back of the trolley to come into view. Once it did, he quickly helped her to sit on the back bumper before climbing on himself.

A few boys were also sitting on the bumper with them, calling out to another little kid who was trying to catch up. Eddie didn't hesitate to reach out and help the little boy on as well.

A Toony Kind of LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin