Chapter 9 - Trying To Hide A Rabbit

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The weasels slinked inside, the one smoking a cigarette named Wheezy, coughed as he held his tommy gun at the ready. They all piled in, with Psycho, the weasel in the strait jacket, brandishing a straight razor for a weapon and Stupid, the weasel with the propeller hat, having a baseball bat with a single nail hammered in.

"Looks like they gave us the slip, huh, boss?" The green-clad weasel, Greasy, questioned.

"Nah. Valiant's got him stashed somewhere."

They began to spread out over the tiny apartment, Smart Ass hopping up to the kitchen area. He immediately halted his movements and pointed his gun in front of him.

"Hold it right there."

Eddie was by the sink, his hands deep in the water, and washing away. Meanwhile, (Y/N) was seated on the counter next to him, with her legs crossed and wiping away the ink stains on her face with a slightly damp rag.

Eddie glanced over his shoulder when he heard Smart Ass' order and simply said, "Hello, boys. I didn't hear you come in."

"Thanks for the rag, Eddie. Today's paperwork got a little out of hand." (Y/N) stated bashfully, taking off her glasses and beginning to clean those too, but Eddie was quick to wave it off.

"No problem."

Smart Ass didn't waste any time pulling up a nearby chair, dragging it over to Eddie and climbing up. "Okay, wise guy. Where's the rabbit?"

"Haven't seen him."

"What about you toots?"


Smart Ass took a curious sniff at the sink water and asked, "What's in there?"

Eddie didn't hesitate to pull out one of his dirty socks from the bubbly water. "My lingerie."

The weasel gasped in disgust, covering his nose in the process. (Y/N) stifled a laugh at his actions.

"Geez, Valiant. I'd much rather see her lingerie."

(Y/N) glared as Smart Ass jumped off the chair and went to check on his boys. She went to kick him but her foot paused mid swing, getting distracted as Roger came up out of the water, gasping deeply for air and spluttering out water.

Smart Ass turned back around to see what the commotion was about but Eddie was quick to push Roger back under before he could see anything. Both Eddie and (Y/N) gave him innocent smiles and he stared at them suspiciously.

"Search the place, boys. And leave no stone 'interned'." He ordered.

The weasels immediately took that as confirmation to start trashing the place. They threw papers all over the floor and emptied out desk drawers with wild abandon.

(Y/N) gasped, hopping off the counter, and rushed down to the weasels as she shouted, "Those are important documents. DON'T THROW THAT VASE!"

While all that went on, Smart Ass hopped back up on the chair, pointing his gun right in Eddie's face as he explained, "Look, Valiant. We got a reliable tip-off that the rabbit was here. And it was 'corrugated' by several others. So cut the bull schtick."

"You keep talking like that and I'm going to have to wash your mouth out."

Eddie shoved a bar of soap into his mouth, making him fall back and go tumbling down the three little steps. With him gone, Eddie let Roger come up for some more air.

Smart Ass sat up after his fall, the bar of soap still in his mouth. (Y/N), who was trying to wrestle a big book out of Stupid's hands, and the rest of the weasels all stopped to stare at him. He tried to talk but as he did, bubbles started escaping his mouth, causing a wave of giggles to burst from all the Toons in the room.

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