The paparazzi

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Bill's pov

I was feeling very anxious today. I had just started dating an amazing girl named Nicole. Now that the public knew I was dating someone they want to know more. Nicole wanted to shop around Paris since we were there for a tour which made me nervous. She didn't do well with crowds or anything of that sort so I worried how she would react to the paparazzi. She told me she would be okay but I wasn't too sure. We got ready and were about to leave.
"I just want to warn you babe the paparazzi could be quite intense.." I reminded. She smiled softly and kissed my cheek.
"I'll be okay darling now let's go! I've always wanted to explore Paris!" She giggled. I smiled back. She understood my fans and that's what I loved about her..she was willing to do anything to keep people happy. She was willing to face her fear of people to keep me and the band soon as we walked out we were swarmed with fans. They shoved cameras and papers in front of us and I tried to sign autographs as fast as I could so we wouldn't have to deal with them for long. I noticed two boys look Nicole up and down so I grabbed her protectively. She leaned into my touch and kissed my hand. The two boys looked at each other,laughed and ran away. Soon The fans started clearing up and I could tell Nikki was relieved. We were about to walk inside a store Nicole gasped causing me to look back and see those two assholes from earlier. I walked towards them they both laughed again.
"We were just playing man and your slutty girlfriend probably liked it." One chuckled. Nicole looked angry and I was furious.
"What the fuck did you just call her?!" I yelled stepping even closer to the punks. I pretty much towered over them.
"Well dressing like that it's expected some guy's gonna want a piece of that-" the other guy didn't even get to finish his sentence due to getting a punch in the nose. I looked back and saw Nicole. Some blood was on her knuckles and I smirked. Atta girl..see my girlfriend might've looked weak but no way is she weak enough to take ANY disrespect..the boy with the bloody nose instantly tried to hit Nicole back but I pushed him harshly back. At this point the guys friend started to back away telling his friend that they should leave and he got up and flipped us off and ran to their room. After they left I held Nicole tightly.
"Are you okay babe? What did they do before?" I asked ready to chase after those bitches and kick their ass again.
"Grabbed my ass." She rolled her eyes and sighed. I frowned and hugged her and kissed her head.
"I'm sorry love..I'll protect you more I promise no one will ever touch you again.." i held her hand and she smiled. I kissed her and placed my arm around her waist so everyone in Paris and everyone in the world knew Nicole Taylor Tomiczak was my girlfriend and no one was aloud to touch her.

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