Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 119

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I said, "Sorry."

The man leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead. "How adorable. Now let's get you dressed."

"I will have to get my clothes from my room."

"Don't worry. Ruth already brought some for you." He nodded toward a pile of neatly folded garments sitting on the bench on the other side of the chamber.

"Oh," I said, not knowing what else to say.

About ten minutes later, I was dressed in a pair of dark pants and a white blouse. After braiding my long dark hair loosely and putting on the magic boots, I was ready. Then, Geoffrey and I headed out the door and down the stairs toward the dining hall.

On our way, we met up with Aaron, who came up and took me by the wrist.

"Come with me," he said without even a morning greeting to either me or his brother. As I walked beside him, I heard Geoffrey chuckling away merrily, as if he were amused or something.

Aaron led me around the corner and then to the other side of the airship where the corridor was wider. In fact, here there were even settees along the side where one could sit and admire the view as the ship flew by.

We finally stopped at the end of the corridor, and after noting that no one would bother us, Aaron requested my full attention. He took my hands into his and asked, "Alfie, were you with Geoffrey last night?"

Is it just me or does Aaron sound a little jealous?

I nodded my head. "He was..."

I licked my lip, embarrassed suddenly. How could I possibly tell him about what Geoffrey had done to me last night, that intimate, sexy stuff?

"Erasing that sweet scent off your body?" he asked.

I stared at him, dumbfounded. He must have understood the expression on my face, because he said, "Every one of us demon lords can smell your qi nectar, Alfie. And believe me, it was fucking hard being close to you yet not able to taste you."

Good Lord, wasn't this like a kid with a sweet tooth who enters a candy shop and was told that he couldn't have any?

I nodded my head. "Yes, I was with Geoffrey."

He sighed. "Well, it can't be helped since he's just about the only one who can suppress himself." Suddenly, he gently cupped my face with his warm hands and then leaned close to me, so much so that we were almost nose to nose and lip to lip.

"Look, Alfie," he said.

I didn't miss that his usually twinkling emerald-green eyes were dark and intense this morning. He also looked a little irritated and pissed.

He continued. "I can't hold myself back anymore. I'll just come out and say it now. I'm in love with you, and I can't stand it when I see Geoffrey, Felix, and Caleb being so fucking lovey-dovey with you, and I can't participate. It's driving me crazy." He rubbed his thumb against my lips, hard, as if he couldn't help himself. "I'm crazy about you, Alfie."

He chuckled suddenly and then kissed my lips briefly. It was as if he were afraid that if he lingered much longer, he might just lose control of himself.

He said, "So what do you say, Alfie? Is there room for me in your heart?"

My heart was, needless to say, leaping with joy that Aaron was being so honest and open with me, just like how Dad had always been with Mom. Another trait I loved in a man.

I gave him a sweet smile and nodded. After all, why not, since I was in love with him too?

I said, "Yes, I have room in my heart for you." I cast my eyes down as I continued. "I don't know why, but I feel this connection with you. In fact, I feel like I've known all seven of you all my life, which is weird, isn't it? Since I'm not even from this realm."

Aaron pulled me into his arms in a tight embrace. I could feel that his body was shaking against me as he said, "Me too. I feel like I've known you all my life."

He moved then and searched my lips for a scorching kiss. I melted in his arms as he plunged his tongue into my mouth and wildly and ardently explored me, stroking and caressing me.

His lips were hot and warm and just so passionate against mine that he was driving me wild too. My body was trembling delicately in his arms as he continued to devour me as if he had been starving for me.

I groaned softly in my throat, enjoying my moment with him as I clung tightly to him.

When he finally released me from his ardent kiss and moved back, I was breathless and dazed.

"I wish I could do more than just kiss you," he said darkly.

I touched my palm against his chest as I said softly, my eyes gazing lovingly at him, "We'll have to wait until we return to Acaedien for you to do more than just kiss me."

Aaron sighed as if the very idea might just kill him. "That's too fucking long. Let's hope there's a room with a high-tier barrier in Wulin where I can take you and have a taste of you."

His words made me shudder in excitement and anticipation.

The man grunted in frustration when he saw the wanton expression in my eyes. It seemed that he couldn't help himself, and he greedily claimed my lips again, kissing me until he was satisfied. By then I was so breathless, weak, and dazed that I had to rest against him for support.

Seven Devils and a RoseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant