⊱∙ moving ∙

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I spent all day yesterday packing and packing and packing.. and packing..... and more packing. I was so exhausted, i had fallen asleep at around 12 at night in the middle of packing.

I was sleeping peacefully on my dirty floor that was surrounded by a sea of cardboard boxes full of all my possessions and everything that my room could carry. As i was sleeping, something began to disrupt my breathing? It was starting to get very hard to breathe until i couldn't breathe at all. Startled, i quickly jolted up from the ground and inhaled through my mouth. As i was gasping for air, i scanned my surroundings. It was then that i noticed my mischievous brother standing above me, he was laughing. Had that idiot plugged my nose?

"heh wake up, freak. we're leaving soon" Ethan taunted, turning around and quickly walking out of my room. He didn't even bother closing my door. I let out a loud and dramatic sigh before getting up and brushing off my clothes.

Gathering the clothes i had prepared the day before, i headed into the bathroom so that i could take one last shower before i'd leave this place forever. After brushing my teeth, changing into fresh clothes and doing my hair, i packed up my toothbrush and any other bathroom essentials of mine into a ziplock bag before leaving the bathroom and going to back into my room.

I packed the last bit of items that needed to be packed and pushed all of the boxes out of my room and into the hallway. I signed, my energy has been completely drained out. I took one last good look at my room before leaving. I went into my parents room as well, picking up an old watch that belonged to my dad and a pretty necklace that belonged to my mom. I went outside in search for my brother, the moving trucks were here and it looks like my brother had already done all the work, he'd gotten the big furniture inside of the truck and all of his belongings in the truck as well. I helped him move the rest of the boxes including the boxes in my room and then we watched as the moving trucks had drove off.

"you ready?" Ethan had asked me, causing me to turn and glance at him.


"that's too bad, y/n." Ethan responded, grinning at me before walking back into the house to find and retrieve his car keys. I sighed dramatically for the millionth time today, following him back into the house and grabbing my backpack off the living room floor. My backpack contained a few snacks, my laptop, and anything else i'd need to keep me from being bored on the long ass drive to Nockfell. I lazily threw the heavy backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my pillow, heading towards the car. Ethan climbed into the vehicle after me and soon enough, we were now on our way to Nockfell where my new life would begin.


The drive to Nockfell was long and boring it felt endless though I hadn't even been awake for half of it. We had been on the road for about a good seven and a half hours including the few stops we made at cafes or grocery stores for bathroom breaks, i had slept through most of the drive. I pulled my phone out of the backpack i placed beside me and i checked the time, the phone screen which was dull from the bright lights outside overpowering it displayed the time 6:47pm. I wouldnt even have enough time to introduce myself to the neighbors or anything, i don't even think i'd have enough time to even unpack. It was November 5, id be starting school November 7, it seemed that this new chapter of my life would be rushed into. A sense of dread washed over me at the thought of having to return to school, a completely new school.

As we finally arrived in Nockfell, the car rolled into the parking lot of Addison Apartments, our new residence. The building looked old and weary but it still stood tall. With anticipation, i stepped out of the vehicle, taking a moment to admire my unfamiliar surroundings. The air carried a crisp November chill, it was colder here than it was were i lived before.

Both me and my brother retrieved our belongings from the moving truck, we entered the elevator and went up to floor 4, where our empty apartment room would be waiting for us. Unlocking the door and stepping inside, we were greeted by the sight of empty rooms, waiting to be filled with the furniture and belongings of our old house. Me and Ethan went up and down the elevators, making multiple stops in order to bring each and every one of our belongings into room 403, where me and my brother would be staying. We left all the big stuff like couches and the TV for the movers to bring in, my brother hired them for a reason.

Today was such a long fucking day, a feeling of exhausting took over as i plopped onto the mattress that lay empty in the middle of the floor of my new room. I was too tired to even take a look at my new place or say hi to the people next door, whatever.. i'll do all that tomorrow. I grabbed my phone out of my ass pocket and typed my passcode in, squinting at the bright screen as i checked any notifications i had. I viewed the time, it was 1:20am. Before i could continue to think and ask myself questions, exhaustion took over, letting me fall into a deep and peaceful slumber.

( in this story, lets just pretend that what happened with ms sanderson in the game happened in room 404. y/n lives in room 403 and on the other side of the elevator is sal fisher in room 402 )

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