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A few weeks after we arrived at Hogwarts, I was in the common room -i now understand why Sirius liked it so much, not that i'll ever admit- when Harry, Ron and Hermione walked in.

"Blacks moving closer to Hogwarts which only gives us more reason to believe what mr. Weasley said." wait. Sirius is close? I'll have to look tonight.

After everyone was asleep and the common room empty I snuck out. I made my way across the grounds, over to the whomping willow. I sat there and waited.

After about two hours I saw a shaggy black dog and smiled mentally.


There was a short., like, extremely short, silence.

"Reg? But- you- voldemort- he-."

"Voldemort didn't kill me, I found out what was keeping him immortal, I studied them and when I went to destroy one there where infri. I told Kreacher to leave without me and he did what was planned and made everyone think I was dead, even he doesnt know I'm alive... I got away and you know the rest of the story."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, im crookshanks."

"Lily and James's cat?"

"Yeah. I was going to wait for you in the shack but I never found out how you got in."

"How'd you know about the shack?"

"I watched you potter pettigrew and lupin go in and out every full moon."

"What? Why?"

"Someone had to get a teacher if one of you got hurt. So, how do you freeze the tree?"

"There's a knot in the roots, you press it."

And so I got up and as fast as I could sprinted to the trunk and looked for the knot.

We got inside the shack and I started explaining everything -not including horcruxes.

After a few weeks I found out Harry was a seeker. I went to the shack and turned back into a human.

"Sirius! I found out what position he plays!"

He came running down the stairs. "It's chaser like James isn't it? He doesn't have the build for a keeper or beater. I think at least, I only saw him once and it was night."

"Nope. he's seeker."


"Hey! We do a lot more than that! The ball is half the size of a golf ball and flies faster than most brooms."

"Anyone could catch the snitch."

"And yet you couldn't and got stuck with beater."

"Shut up."

After a while I went back to the castle and sat outside the common room. Soon Neville Longbottom came and let me in.

I sat in front of the fire and fell asleep

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