On the train the girl -who i found was named hermione later than i care to admit- let me out of the basket. I wasn't really paying attention to what they were talking about till I heard ron.

"Who do you think he is?"

"Professor R. J. Lupin" wait lupin? As in Remus lupin?

"You know everything! How is it she knows everything?!"

"It's on his trunk ronald."

I looked up and sure enough it said professor R. J. lupin. Wow, my brother escapes, i get bought by the friend of James's kid and the owner of Peter Pettigrew and Lupin is a teacher. This is going to be one interesting year.

Getting bored I decided to go after pettigrew. I heard Ron say he was in his pocket a little bit ago so I jumped in his lap but he pushed me off before I could go any further.

Suddenly a cold I had only felt once before appeared. Dementors. Horrible thoughts flew into my mind.

"NO! STOP! PLEASE! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I cried as mother used the pain curse on sirius.

She turned to me. "WEAK! Both of you! When i was your age-"

But she didn't get to finish her sentence.

"Mother, when you where our age grandpa black was ra-"

Suddenly Harry fell over and Lupin had used the patronus charm.

After 5 minutes Hermione woke Harry up.

"What was that thing?"

"One of the guards from azkaban." After that I stopped listening.

I knew a little about dementors. In the first war after i got the mark voldemort brought in a dementor and said he got them on his side. An aurar was taken hostage and Voldemort told the dementor to give him the kiss. That was the only time I saw a dementor. I don't know how Sirius is still sane -or as sane as Sirius black can be- after being surrounded by them for 12 years.

When we got to Hogwarts all animals were magically transported to the dorms our owners stay in.

I'm a pet again I guess.

The Secret Life of Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now