Ep-14 ( Dazy in trouble)

ابدأ من البداية

Midnight around 1 am:
Yn pov:

I was laying on my bed trying to sleep but the memories of today kept flashing in my mind making me worried. What would happened if everyone would have seen that picture especially yoora? Obviously there would be a huge storm in my life.

Chim shouldn't have took this picture of us? I will definitely ask him tomorrow to delete that stupid picture so I wouldn't get in any trouble. I wanted to ask him today but we were hung up with the fishing and boating whole day and the evening was followed by cooking the tasty fish for dinner along with some movies so I didn't got a chance.

I was surrounded by my thoughts when I heard someone's phone ringing and to my suprise it was of dazy. She immediately received the call while getting out of the bed, looking at my direction to assure that I am sleeping so I also pretended the same.

'Why are you calling me at this hour? What do you want now?.......'

'What??? are you out of your mind? I can't came to meet you at this hour. Yn is sleeping beside me. She is already suspecting me these days.....'

'Look! you can't blackmail me like that.....'

'okay okay! Plz don't do anything stupid like that I will listen to you.....'(she pleeded the one on the phone)

'i am coming; Just wait for me. Bye!......'

After hanging up the phone she get up from the bed while eyeing me and left the room while taking her coat and phone. I sat on the bed after she left still processing what I had heard just now. Someone is blackmailing her? Who is he? And where she has gone to meet him at this late hour? All my doubts got clear that she is really in some problem hiding it from everyone but why?

So many questions were coming up in my mind at that moment but I just Know one thing that I have to save her; I should follow her. I can't leave my bestie like that when she needs me the most.

I also got up from the bed without thinking twice, removing the soft duvet and left the room while taking my phone to follow her in this cold weather. As I came out I saw dazy going towards the jungle from the window near the staircase. My eyes widened. Is she crazy? Why she is going alone in this jungle at night? Is that guy going to meet her there? Oh god what should I do now? Should I go by myself or ask Jimin for help?

My mind was completely frozed at that time. I took out my phone with shaky hands and texted jimin that I saw dazy going towards the jungle so come up with me and waited for some moments for his reply but got ño response. I went towards his room, knocked slowly but still no response.

' yah dumb yn! He must have slept by now. Why would he be awake till such late night and he also worked alot today among us.' I said to myself and decided to go alone. I took a metal rod from behind the main door for my self defence and left the farmhouse following my steps towards the jungle while holding the rod tightly in my hands with fear.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
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