4. Forgiven not Forgotten

Start from the beginning

"Amara, a bahu only eats when all the elders and everyone else in the family has finished eating."
But everyone ate together in my family...

"Amara. A bahu (daughter in law) doesn't voice her thoughts when the family members are talking."
Aren't I a part of this family too now?

"Amara wear kurtis and saree's. You are 'The Acharyas' eldest daughter in law. You should be an example for other in this house."
Why? Why does what I wear define how I am an influence to this family.
"Maa! Stop. Amara can wear whatever she wants. Stop trying to change her."

Stop Trying to Change her.
Stop Trying to Change her.
Stop Trying to Change her.

They already did Abhi.
They already did.

Everyone changed me.
Everyone Changed me.
Everyone. Changed. Me.

My love for you was so deep that I didn't see how I let everyone ruin me. Slowly but surely.

I thought it was because I was not enough. No it was not because I was not enough but because your family only moved in time. But their thoughts still lived in the century they longer belonged to.

And what they are saying is not wrong, its just a value of the past. In a house filled with different types of people. Bustling with life, energy and happiness. I slowly began to realise how there were some cracks that were irreparable.

Those cracks ran deeper. Deeper than one could ever imagine.

Abhimanyu's parents were the weakest links in this family. They were the cracks that no one tried to see. Not because they were not there but because they were hidden so well.

His parents had carried the venom of their own marriage towards each other and tried to fill Abhimanyu with that sweet venom too. They tried everything they could to break him or me mentally.

His mother tried to break me everyday while Chandini aunty had held me in her embrace encouraging me. Giving me the support I needed. And most of all the love of a mother that I lacked in this house.

I missed my mother. I missed her so much. And I had never realised how I would never find a mother in my mother in law.

I had expected too much. A woman who couldn't tolerate her own son and only cared whether he took control of the family empire could never be a mother.

And Abhimanyu's father was worse than that. He couldn't care less about this family. All he cared about was his wealth and the mistress that he shamelessly had. And yet he called Abhimanyu the disappointment of his life.

Because... He refused to touch his father's business that was linked with his filth. With his hate. With his monopoly. And most of all with his character.



"Abhimanyu Acharya! Will you stop fooling around writing fictional love that doesn't exist and making sculptures like a bloody potter. You are an Acharya. You are the heir. Stand up and take control of this Empire."

"Mr. Amit Acharya. What I do with my life is none of your concern. Especially when you don't have the decency to be a human first and secondly a man. And Remember this. The day I set foot as the heir to your business will be the last day this business runs. I promise you ruin. And trust me. I never break my promises unlike you."

A harsh slap had echoed through the room. Abhimanyu's head lolled to the side as his hair covered his face. Masking the rage that I saw in his eyes that were locked with mine.

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