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There have always been stereotypes within a school. The popular kids, the class clowns, the nerds, the artists, teachers pets, etc. People often see me as a nerd or teachers pet, perhaps this is because I am a logical person, and pay more attention to studying than socialising. I simply never bothered to have these friendships with people that take advantage of me anyways, Unlike one of my classmates, Kaveh. He is determined, but naive. I watched him work on the entire group project while his group mates told him they were sick, or busy with other homework. Later that day I found them shopping in Port Ormos. I didn't bother say anything, it wasn't my business and I prefer not to involve myself in such matters anyways. The effects it had on Kaveh didn't matter to me either. I have to admit, he is an unique character. I sometimes like to observe him, to see how he works. Its new to me, someone so extroverted yet so alone. I have known him ever since he started in the academia, he was enrolled a few years before me, as he is older as well. Though often it feels like I'm older than him, but people often say I'm mature for my age, so that doesn't mean much. Kaveh has tried to approach me a few times, but I don't wish to have a social life at school, so I made sure I looked as unapproachable as I could. He doesn't give up very easily though, but after multiple times of me acting harsh he seemed to have given up, though he does often look at me when we meet, always with a smile. I suppose that's what makes him so popular amongst the other students. There are many who get along with him, as for his loneliness, that is likely because he does not receive the love. I read that sometimes you can give a person all the love you have, but they might not receive it at all, it could just bounce right off of them. He is one of those people. I don't know much about his story, but I know there's something that happened. I shouldn't bother to find out, but it does awaken my curiosity. Perhaps I will find out someday...

Something you wish for - Kavetham / Haikaveh Hanahaki AUWhere stories live. Discover now