Chapter 7

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Tellu and Shingo finally arrive at the laboratory, where Kaolinite is waiting for them.

Kaolinite: "(angry) Tellu, you fool! How did that pesky Sailor Scout get the best of you?"

Tellu: "(defensive) It wasn't my fault! She just caught me off guard."

Kaolinite: "(sighs) Well, that's no excuse. We need to be more careful if we want to achieve our goals. And as for you, Shingo, I have another task for you."

Shingo: "(sighs) What is it this time?"

Kaolinite: "You're going to clean out the experiment tubes. They're starting to get clogged and it's affecting our research."

Shingo: "(grumbles) Fine, I'll do it. But can't we get someone else to do this?"

Kaolinite: "No, we need someone we can trust. And we know you're loyal to us now, Shingo."

Tellu: "(smirks) Yeah, he's really proven himself. Maybe we should give him a special mission."

Shingo: "(confused) What do you mean?"

Tellu: "(teasingly) Oh, nothing. Just that you seem to be getting close to Hotaru Tomoe. Maybe we could use that to our advantage."

Shingo: "(defensive) What are you talking about? Hotaru's just a friend."

Kaolinite: "Enough, both of you. Let's focus on the task at hand. Shingo, get to work on the tubes."

Shingo reluctantly starts cleaning out the experiment tubes, feeling frustrated with his situation. Later that evening, Hotaru was studying with the help of Kaolinite. who was posing as the director of Mugen Academy and guiding Hotaru on behalf of her father, Professor Tomoe. Hotaru was quiet and shy, still weakened by the influence of Mistress 9, but she became more talkative when the subject turned to Shingo.

Hotaru: "Kaolinite-san, have you seen Shingo recently? I miss him."

Kaolinite (trying to hide her jealousy): "Why are you so interested in my apprentice...I mean, Shingo, Hotaru-chan?"

Hotaru: "Oh, he's just really kind to me. He's always helping me with my homework and talking to me like I'm a normal person."

Kaolinite (thinking to herself): "Normal person? What does that even mean?"

Hotaru: "I wish I could be more like him, you know? He always seems happy, even when things are tough."

Kaolinite (gritting her teeth): "Well, I'm glad he's making you happy. But don't forget, he's also working for us. He has duties to fulfill."

Hotaru: "I understand, Kaolinite-san. But he's still my friend, right?"

Kaolinite (sighing): "Yes, I suppose he is. And I'm happy that you have a friend in him. Just don't distract him from his work, okay?"

Hotaru: "I won't, I promise. But can I at least see him again soon?"

Kaolinite (trying to be stern): "We'll see, Hotaru-chan. It all depends on what the Professor has planned for him. Now, let's focus on your studies."

As they continued to study, Kaolinite couldn't help but feel jealous and possessive of Shingo. She saw him as her protege, someone she could teach and guide towards a great future. But with Hotaru showing interest in him, Kaolinite felt as though she was losing control. She didn't want to admit it, but she was starting to care about Shingo, like he was her son.

But no matter what, Kaolinite knew she had to keep her feelings in check. She had a job to do, and as long as Shingo and Hotaru were under her watch, she would do everything in her power to influence them. Even if it meant swallowing her own pride.

Back in the laboratory, Shingo was diligently cleaning out one of the experiment tubes, making sure it was spotless. Ptilol and Cyprine stood by, observing his work to ensure it was done correctly. Suddenly, Mimete burst into the room with a big grin on her face.

Mimete: "Hey guys! You won't believe the movie I just saw! It was a romantic dance musical and it was AMAZING!"

Shingo: "Uh, that's great, Mimete. But can you let go of me first?"

Mimete had already grabbed onto Shingo's arm and was twirling him around the room in a forced dance. Shingo struggled to break free as Ptilol and Cyprine watched with amusement.

Mimete: "Oh come on, Shingo! You need to loosen up and have some fun!"

Shingo: "I...I can't! I have work to do!"

Mimete: "Work, work, work. You're always so serious. You should learn to enjoy life!"

As they continued to dance, or rather, as Mimete continued to force Shingo to dance, they started to attract attention from other daimons of the Death Busters. Some watched with amusement, while others looked annoyed or confused.

Cyprine: "Mimete, perhaps you should let Shingo get back to his duties. He's been working hard all day."

Ptilol: "Yes, and we wouldn't want Kaolinite-sama to get angry with us if she found out we wasted time on frivolous activities."

Mimete pouted, but eventually relented and let go of Shingo. He breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to be free at last.

Shingo: "Thanks guys. I think I'll stick to cleaning the tubes from now on."

As he went back to work, Shingo couldn't help but smile to himself. Despite his forced dance with Mimete, he was starting to feel more at home with the Death Busters. They may be strange and unpredictable, but they were also accepting him for who he was. And that was a feeling he had never experienced before.

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