Chapter 5

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We got to the porch, and he paused as the two security men opened the door for him, revealing the interior of the sitting room that was so magnificent, beautified with gold and really expensive gems. The furniture and every single thing in the room spoke volumes about how wealthy this man was. 

I stood behind him, only seeing the room through the space his body didn't cover since I was just at his back and he wasn't entering the house yet.

"Welcome to Hell." He said with a deep tone and swirled to face me with that stony face that makes one think he would snap their neck anytime soon.

I had to lower my gaze a bit to avoid looking into his eyes as fear seeped into me. He won't be wrong calling this place a hell because he is no different from the devil, cruel and killing for fun with a heart dark and lush. 

He is the devil, and this castle must be hell. He might have the full advantage over me since I stay in his pack, where he rules.

Yes, he might have every power and authority over me and could easily bend me to do whatever he wishes, but keeping me alive will be his greatest mistake because, at any slight opportunity, I won't hesitate to end him. He will surely pay for what he did to my people, and until my last breath, I will do everything possible to make him regret this decision.

"You still have that mean countenance. You aren't scared yet, right?" He chuckled deeply, letting out a smirk.

I said nothing.

"It's important for you to know why I will make your life miserable so you won't start praying for a miracle or a day when somehow you will get your freedom. There will be nothing like that." He laughed evilly and began to walk in, so I followed quickly to prevent the collar from tightening over my neck.

The house was really fascinating, built with precision and perfection to the last. The woody scent in the house was so soothing and heartwarming, but I knew better than to have a relaxed mind. I was here to suffer, and that's all.

I'm a slave to the devil. 

"I will first introduce you to my wives; they are six in number, all here after promising to give me a child, but as usual, they all failed. I told you I needed a child, and you have no idea what I meant; maybe you thought I wanted you to be my wife." He scoffed and glanced back at me with indignation brimming in his eyes.

"Because of your fellow rogue, I was cursed forever and can't have an heir to this great throne. The great empire that I built with both sweat and blood would go down the drain when I die, all because you made me fall in love with you, lie about your real identity, and make me commit an abomination, a taboo against the land! You brought the curse on me!"

"What?" I muttered in sheer confusion, wondering who he was referring to because it couldn't be me. "I didn't do anything. I didn't make you fall in love with me; I'm confused!" 

My eyes narrowed at him as he faced me again; this time, those eyes were burning with rage. Veins were running through his neck and arms, and his teeth were bared while breathing hot.

"You think I'm cruel and cold-hearted. You think I kill without remorse and don't even have compassion for my people; you judge me to be a devil and a monster when you were the one who made me so. You turned me into this and condemned me for the same thing!" He bellowed, and my confusion peaked. I was lost.

At that moment, I was guessing he had gone mad.

"Who are you talking about?" I said, my voice slightly above whispers, as I was trying not to offend him more because, with his voice and flints in his eyes, it was clear he wasn't just flared up but also pained.

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