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-This will take a few days after when they start to run out of food and supplies ( a week passed)

-can start it off saying they been doing the same thing all day by checking the food and waiting the day out hoping for help for a week

-eve will notice they have just 2 dinner foods left

-realized that someone needs to go out and get food so she will argue a bit with kel if she will go or not

-than she will have the guts to go out and to the store and get food and get out since there hasn't been any guards around their place since the alert

-kel will be scared to go

-eve will tell him to stay than will go get a bag ready and walk out

-kel will follow since he would be to scared or stay alone so he gets a bag and go with her

-will or can talk on the way going there but be careful to hide behind things and stuff

-finds a store

-goes inside after checking the layout

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