Gabe looked up at the ceiling and blew out a breath, there were many reasons why he shouldn't get involved in this. But he couldn't help thinking he would like to find out more about this woman who was so popular with the doctor and his staff. 

Looking back at the doctor he smiled. "Yeah, what the hell, ok." 

An hour later, Gabe stood on shaky legs after they had taken what seemed like litres of blood from his arm. Walking out of the treatment room he felt disorientated for a moment and wasn't sure which way to go. Taking a guess, he turned left and strode off down the corridor. The further he walked, the less familiar his surroundings and none of the signs said anything about the main entrance. 

"Shit!" He muttered. "I could get lost in here for days and no one would have a clue where I was." 

Finally he spotted a door that led to the outside so he headed towards it, he pushed it open and looked around. Instead of seeing the car park as he had expected, he was in a large garden with trees, flower beds and even a large pond with a fountain in the middle of it. He guessed he must be at the back of the main hospital building as he hadn't seen anything like it when he had parked earlier. There were a few patients in dressing gowns and slippers sat on benches having a smoke, others were being pushed in wheelchairs by nurses. 

Not wanting to get lost in the labyrinth of corridors inside he decided to make his way through the garden and try and find the car park. As he walked down the path between the flower beds, he could see a nurse pushing a woman in a wheelchair towards him. As they got closer he could hear them laughing and joking about something and as they passed he got a good look at the woman in the chair. She glanced up at him and the first thing he noticed were her large brown eyes, they were startling in such a small face almost doe like. She had an almost elfin shaped face with a petite nose and very kissable lips above a cute little cleft in her chin. He was so enchanted by those eyes, it wasn't until he had walked by that he realised she was bald. 

He was alert enough to hear the comment made by the nurse to her charge. "Hey Abby is he cute enough for you?" followed by a giggle and a "Shhhh he'll hear you." 

His steps faltered and slowed as he mulled over what he had heard and why something rang a bell in his head......Abby? She was a patient, she had no hair and her name was Abby. He stopped abruptly as he put the pieces of the puzzle together. The doctor had stopped himself from saying the patients name but he started to say Ab! Don't leukaemia patients lose their hair due to the chemo? 

Now his curiosity got the better of him and he turned around to see where they had gone. His eyes scanned the garden and finally spotted her sitting alone under the shade of a large tree reading a book. He walked back up the path and stopped in front of her. 

"Hi." He said smiling at her. 

Abby looked up from her book and saw the cute guy her and Helen had passed a few minutes ago. 

"Hi." She replied and dropped her head as she started to blush. Wondering if he had heard Helens comment. 

He stood with his hands in his jacket pockets looking down at her. 

Feeling slightly uncomfortable under his gaze Abby looked at him again. "Can I help you?" 

Gabe shifted and shook his head as if trying to clear it. "Erm yeah, I was trying to find my way back to the car park." 'Smooth Gabe real smooth' he inwardly chided himself. 

"Oh right! Well if you walk back the way you just came and follow the path, it will lead you round the main building and back to the car park." 

He thought she looked a little disappointed that he had only stopped for directions. 

It's in his DNA - Book one in the Stormforce seriesWhere stories live. Discover now