Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Gabe woke that evening feeling marginally less tired than when he crashed. His stomach growled loudly and he realised he wouldn't feel any better until he had something to eat. 

Climbing off the bed, he stripped as he walked to his en suite and turned on the shower. Stepping out of his jeans and boxers he walked into the powerful jets of water. He closed his eyes and felt his muscles start to relax as the shower worked it's magic. He washed his hair and lathered and scrubbed his toned body, washing away the grime of the city. Feeling more human, he finally stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. He rubbed his body vigorously as he walked into his closet and selected yet another pair of jeans, boxers and a t shirt. 

Walking barefoot out of his bedroom and down the stairs, he made his way to the kitchen in search of sustenance. He was greeted by his housekeeper Mary. She glared at him, her arms crossed over her ample chest. "What time do you call this? You've missed breakfast and lunch." 

He walked towards her and bent his 6'2" frame down to her and gave her a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Ah come on Mary, you know I was in the studio and I'm starving." 

He wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a squeeze. 

She blushed and slapped him away. "Behave yourself." She chuckled. "You know I would never let you go hungry. I'm cooking your favourite, beef stew and dumplings with treacle pudding and custard for dessert." 

He picked her up and twirled her round. "Mary you are an angel sent from heaven, I love you, marry me." He put her down and knelt on one knee in front of her his hands clasped in front of her begging. 

She clipped him round the ear laughing. "Get up you fool, I'll get it dished up,  where do you want it?" 

"In the study please, I need to catch up on my mail and messages." He swooped in for another kiss, grabbed a beer from the fridge then made his way to his study. Pressing the button on his answer machine as he slid into the large leather swivel chair, he grabbed a handful of post off his desk. Sitting back, he put his feet up on his desk as he took a long swig of beer and waited for the messages to start. 

"Dude, it's Pod, call me." Beep 

"Gabe, it's Scott from MTV, when are you coming in for that interview?" beep 

And it continued on and on, he sighed thinking how everyone wanted a piece of him. 

He flicked through the post that his p.a. had left. She always sifted out any fan mail and just left the more important stuff for him to read. There were the usual royalty statements and letters from his agent. Then his eyes focused on one that had St Lukes Hospital written on the envelope. 

He frowned, not sure why they would be writing to him and if it was a begging letter, why his p.a. hadn't dealt with it. He took out the letter and started reading. 

Dear Mr Lewellyn. ( He cringed at the use of his real name, no one used that anymore). 

You may recall, that 2 years ago you gave blood and stated that you were happy to be put on our Bone marrow donors register. We are writing to inform you that you may be a possible match to one of our patients. 

Please call at your earliest convenience to arrange an appointment to discuss this further. 

Dr D P Powell. 

What the? He thought back to when he gave blood, it was mainly a publicity stunt by their PR Company to squash rumours that the band were into hard drugs. 

"Well fuck me! That sure came back to bite me in the arse." He muttered. 

He crumpled the letter in his fist and lobbed it over his desk and into the waste paper bin. 

Mary brought in his food on a tray and he switched on the TV, flicking through the channels while he ate. 

He was just finishing the last spoonful of pudding when Mary reappeared to collect his tray. 

Sitting back in his chair he patted his stomach. "Hell Mary, how am I supposed to keep this hot body when you cook such delicious food?" 

She took one look at his flat stomach and laughed. "Oh my boy, I don't think you have anything to worry about on that score." 

Turning towards the door carrying the tray she glanced down and noticed the St Lukes logo on the paper in the bin. She stopped mid stride and turned back to him. "Are you ok? Is there something you're not telling me?" She asked. 

His head shot round from the TV. "What? No I'm fine, why do you ask?" 

"Oh I'm sorry, I saw the St Lukes logo and panicked. I only recognised it as my niece was referred there. It's one of the foremost specialty hospitals for leukaemia." 

"Ah! Ok. Well I'm not sick, it's just some letter about the blood I gave a couple of years ago." 

Her eyes softened as she looked at him. "Did you sign up for the donor programme?" 

"Yeah....well no." He mumbled. "It was the PR Company's idea. I didn't think anything would come of it." 

Her eyes narrowed. "You are going to reply to them, if you are a match it could mean you can save someone's life." 

He held up his hands in surrender. "Look Mary, I'm no hero and I really don't feel comfortable with shit like this." 

Mary frowned and walked back towards his desk, she slammed the tray back down, making him jump back, which in turn made his chair slide back on it's wheels into the wall behind him. 

Leaning over the desk she glared at him. "Now you listen here! I know you are a good boy, even if you do go a bit wild at times. So you will contact them and you will make an appointment to go up there." 

"Oh Mary come on." He whined. 

"Don't you, Oh Mary me!" She snapped. "This could change someone's life, you sort this out or I'm leaving." 

Gabe sprayed a mouthful of beer across his desk. "WHAT?"

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