Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

Abby bent her head forward and wretched into the cardboard bowl. At least she didn't have any hair to get in the way anymore, she thought ruefully as the nausea swept over her again. A nurse popped her head round the door as Abby slumped back against the pillows, exhausted. 

"Hey Abby, are you up to eating anything yet?" 

She grimaced back at Helen, the nurse who had become a close friend over the many torturous months that she had been in the hospital. 

"I think I'll stick with water thanks, even if it does come back up again after five minutes." 

Helen walked over to the bed and swapped the bowl for a clean one. She held onto Abbys' hand and smiled. "Well that was the last of the chemo, so you should pick up a little over the next few days." 

Abby closed her eyes and sighed. "Yeah! But for how long?" 

A lone tear slid down her cheek. "I really don't know how much more I can take Helen." 

Helen leant over and gave her a hug. "Hey girly, don't talk like that, you need to keep strong and positive in case they find a donor." 

"Yeah right!" Abby spat out. "I have no family, so we are relying on a complete stranger just happening to be on the register and possibly, just possibly, being a match. Fat chance." 

"Oh come on young lady, it's not like you to feel sorry for yourself." 

"I'm sorry Helen but I can't help thinking too much when I'm stuck in here all day. I'm 23, bald and look like something from Zombie apocalypse. I have no family, my fiancée broke off the engagement because he couldn't stand watching me puke. The only friend I have left is you, and I suspect that's only because you work here and can't get away from me. If I slit my wrists right now who would miss me?" 

Helen stood up straight and glared at Abby. "Now you listen here Abby. I will not have you saying crap like that. You are a beautiful young woman, with or without hair and you are a fighter, so snap out of it!" She turned on her heels and stomped out the door. 

"Great, now I have pissed off the only friend I have left, way to go Abby. Well at least it made me forget about the nausea for a few minutes." She sighed, closed her eyes and fell asleep. 

"Abby. Abby, wake up." 

She slowly opened her eyes and looked up to see Dr Powell leaning over her, she smiled up at him. 

"What's up doc?" 

He grinned at her use of the Bugs Bunny line and replied, "I'm gonna get you, you pesky wabbit." 

She chuckled, but he could see there wasn't the usual sparkle in her eyes. Perhaps he could put that back with his news. He sat on the edge of the bed beside her. 

"Guess what?" 

"Oh mmmm, you're finally going to propose to me." She grinned at him. 

He laughed and held his hand to his heart. "Oh Abby, if only I were free I would gladly marry you but I think my wife would have something to say about it." 

"Oh well," she blew out a breath, "And I thought you were going to take me away from all this." She lifted her hand with the IV attached and waved it in the air. 

"Well, I might be able to help you with that." He smiled as he took hold of her hand. "Now don't get too excited as it's early days, but we think we've found a match." 

Abby sat forwards too quickly and felt dizzy so she slumped back against the pillows. 

"Are you shitting me?" she gasped. 

"Nope, I shit you not." He laughed. 

"So what happens now?" 

"One of our team is getting in contact with him to come in for more tests." He replied. 


"Yep, but that's all I can tell you for now." 

"Well he better be hot, I won't just take any guys bone marrow you know, I have my standards." 

"I'll see what I can arrange." He winked at her and stood up to leave. 

She grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes. "So this really could be it then?" she whispered. 

He patted her hand. "Fingers crossed Abby." He winked at her again and left the room. 

She sat staring out of the window, not seeing the city rooftops as her mind drifted. Dare she hope that they could fix her?

It's in his DNA - Book one in the Stormforce seriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz