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Hairo looked at Kusuo and raised an eyebrow "Hi there, Kusuo. Didn't know you were here"

Kusuo heard a bit of sass in his tone and felt his temper rise "I passed by"

"His timing is terrible. I was planning to have another date with Ferine after she's done gift shopping" Hairo sighed "Wow, you were just passing by? We probably shouldn't disturb you then, go ahead and continue what you were doing"

"Yeah, why are you here? I told you not to come. I'm also buying a gift for you" Ferine crossed her arms, she seemed a bit upset with him

Kusuo felt his powers weaken as he tried to come up with an excuse "I was just passing-"

"Oh?" Ferine rolled her eyes

Kusuo sighed "....I saw Hairo's post... I didn't know you'd be with him, so I wanted to crash it... I don't like this. I want to go too"

Hairo could see Ferine getting interested in Kusuo's sudden change of heart. He pulled on Ferine's hair "Hey, let's go"

Ferine turned to follow Hairo

"Good girl" Hairo gave her an actual dog treat from his pocket

Kusuo grabbed her arm "Why are you ignoring me? I was being honest, just like you wanted!"

"Well, weren't you the one who came when I told you not to?" Ferine shot back

Kusuo's eyes narrowed "Why do I always have to do what you want? I'm going with you."

Hairo stepped in and pulled Kusuo's hand away "Let go of her"

Ferine started to walk away, but Kusuo followed after her "Ferine, wait! Come home with me. I'll hurt you"

"Sure, after I go shopping" Ferine replied firmly

"Ferine, you don't have to do this today. Surely you can- Urgh" Kusuo flinched as Ferine punched him in the stomach, without his powers. He actually felt really hurt and he gasped for air "..This is a familiar feeling"

"I really have to shop today. The market won't be there any other day. So stop bothering me, we won't have much time there and there's so much to choose"

"...fine, but come back home after, wrap you hands around my neck, or do whatever you want to take my breath away" Kusuo said

Ferine paused for a moment and looked at him. He looked back at her like what he said was absolutely normal. Ferine grinned "...I'll come home early then"

Hairo flinched at the exchange "Ferine-"

"Let's go, Hairo" Ferine cut him off and started walking again

Hairo sighed and looked at Kusuo. "You don't even like her"

"I do now" Kusuo said defensively

Hairo raised an eyebrow at Kusuo's sudden declaration. "Really? I don't think you do"

"What do you know?" Kusuo frowned

Hairo shrugged "Just an observation. You never seemed interested in her before. You're even annoyed by her"

Kusuo sighed "I was interested in her. Just not in a romantic way. My powers always keep malfunctioning on her so I'm always keeping an eye on her. Not that you would know anything about because you don't even know I have powers. And yes. I was annoyed by her, sometimes I still am, but there's a bit of excitement recently that I find I actually like it and her at the same time"

" I was wrong before. I've changed my mind. I like her now"

Hairo shook his head "Ferine's not the easiest person to deal with. You can't handle her. I can, I have her on a leash"

"I can just let her run wild on me. I can take it" Kusuo said

"No you can't"

"Hairo! You coming?!" Ferine yelled as she was almost at the other side of the street

"Yeah!" Hairo side eyed Kusuo then ran after Ferine

Kusuo finally felt his powers coming back to him after Ferine got some distance, his stomach now being healed too. He decided against stalking them using his powers. He didn't want to upset Ferine more by doing that

"I didn't realized you like her"

Kusuo flinched feeling a hand on his shoulder and an even more annoying voice. He didn't even need to turn to know who it is "..What are you doing here?"

Kuusuke chuckled "oh well. Christmas is near you know. I came back for the family and to see Ferine"

"... didn't you like her before?"

"Hm? Well my like towards her wasn't romantic. She's an amazing lab rat you know. The best. I can never ever get another lab rat like her, she just takes everything so we'll and the best part is she can actually give feedback unlike those mice. Oh and she never dies" Kuusuke pulled out his phone "Hey I put a tracking device on her before. So I'm going to follow her to this black market, maybe I can find something good there. You coming?'

"..no I'm going home" Kusuo teleported away

(Kusuo's room)

"Ah gosh.. I really said it.. I actually said I wanted her to do whatever? Am I crazy? Argh I'm starting to be. Well I can't take it back now. I just hope I don't die" Kusuo sighed "...No.. I'm not going to die. Both Ferine and her brother both seem to get themselves in a lot of danger but they both seem to just end up just fine.. I'll probably turn out ok"

(Time skip)

Ferine took the shopping bags from Hairo "Thank you for accompanying me Hairo"

"Ferine. You don't have to go home so early. Why don't you stay?" Hairo asked, holding of to a few shopping bags tightly "Let's go on a date"

"Hm? I want to go home. I'm excited to play around with Kusuo" Ferine held her hand out for the other bags "Give it?"

"I like you Ferine" Hairo blushed a bit and looked at Ferine "I actually like you a lot. You're a bit odd at times but you're not evil, when trouble comes, sometimes you chat around but you help me eventually. You also try stuff that you know I'll like, even if you don't necessarily like it.... I know you like me too. Won't you stay with me?"

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