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Kusuo tapped his foot seeing Hairo aggressively kiss Ferine, he stood by the window while his parents were fussing about how Rancid just gave them a bunch of rubies

"Oh hello Kusuo" Ferine had said goodbye to Hairo and entered the house, her lips bleeding but she's also blushing

Kusuo looked at Ferine

(Time skip)

Kusuo pushed Ferine's head inside the bathtub

"Gosh I'm just having such a good day today. I had a wonderful time with Hairo, a gift from my brother, a very passionate kiss goodbye from Hairo, and now this. Ah it couldn't get better"

Kusuo rolled his eyes. This was really the only way he can read her thoughts. It's not as if he enjoys it, although it's true he isn't as bothered as when he first did this


Kusuo sighed hearing her struggle and went out of breath, he pulled her out "Hey you"

*Cough* Ferine looked up unbothered as Kusuo held her up by her hair "ahem.. Yes?"

"You are going to hurt that poor guy. You're playing with him aren't you?" Kusuo asked

"Oh please. I can't see it from his face but you can literally hear his thoughts. I'm pretty sure he's accepting of me and even trying to adjust recently to make me like him more" Ferine chucked

Kusuo rolled his eyes and puts her head back in the water to read her thoughts

"I don't know what going on with you but I like how sincere Hairo is and how he was even willing to do stuff be otherwise would not do for me. Instead of lying to yourself all the time how about you just say you're jealous"

"Why would you care?" Kusuo telepathically sent it to her

"I don't. I just like drama. Seeing you stress yourself out is nice"

"You're mocking me again?"

"Be nicer to me Kusuo"

"You like it violent"

"Hahaha I do. But just because you're violent doesn't mean I'll like you. Your brother was way more violent to me. Ah how I do miss those days too. But I'm not too into him"

"You can't turn someone like Hairo into a weirdo like you" Kusuo said

"I didn't do anything. He realized I liked something and did it himself" Ferine said

The door to the bathroom is open. Mama walked pass and paused ".....uh... Nevermind... Just don't kill her"

Kusuo sighed and pulled Ferine's head out of the water "Look. I'm using my powers more because of what you said. Hairo is becoming more violent too. You just keep demanding. You're greedy"

"I voice out *cough cough* my opinions on things" Ferine coughed a bit because of the water. She chuckled though "I don't *cough* know where you're getting *cough* this from. Because I do some things knowing it would make Hairo happy. Yet I didn't necessarily like, like that indoor rock climbing- oh... Oh I see Hahahaha! You're saying this because I didn't do much for you!x

"No I'm not"

Ferine lunged her hand to Kusuo's neck and gripped his neck tight

Kusuo paused and realized his powers aren't working again, he felt like a normal human being and Ferine is strong "Argh!"

"You're starting to annoy me with this jealousy of yours Kusuo. At least Kuusuke and Hairo are both more honest. This is your stupid pride talking again" Ferine dragged Kusuo near the bathtub "I hate tsunderes, is hurting me your idea of hiding what you truly feel. You're so annoying and a big liar"

Kusuo felt a bit afraid as Ferine slowly dipped his head in the water "Argh she's trying to kill me!"

"You seem to be enjoying these things though. Let me use you a bit. I'll let you know how it feels" Ferine pushed his head in the water

Now his head full submerge, Kusuo tried to stay calm but since he can't use his powers now, he also can't breathe, and he's actually being choked too. His body isn't strong when he doesn't have powers, he can hardly even push her

"Ferine?" Papa walked by and saw the scene of his own son kinda being killed, however even though he was told that Kusuo's powers don't work sometimes, he thought that was in the past since it hasn't happened ever since the two of them reunited "...oh hey what's this? Kusuo is getting in on this thing too? I never knew he like it"

"Damn you! Help me!" Kusuo flailed his arms around

"Oh by the way Ferine. Your brother gave us a bunch of rubies... Are these real?" Papa held up a gem "What is Kusuo doing? Oh well, sometimes he acts weird, I guess he's still a kid"

"Yes" Ferine looked back and only glanced at the ruby "You can sell it. Do whatever you want with it"

"I'll have it appraised then... But that cheese that you were eating with Kusuo earlier... Was there maggots in there? I swear I saw one"

"Yes. It's to make the whole cheese even more creamy" Ferine said "You should try it. I think Kusuo likes it too"

"...hm... I'm not sure.. but I guess if Kusuo ate it then it's not that bad but.. still though.. maggots" Papa said

"Ah gosh.." Kusuo is really struggling now and he's father is still chatting with Ferine

"Oh now I remember. I came here because Hairo left you something, he came back and dropped something off" Papa said

"Hairo?" Ferine looked back at him and loosened her grip

*Gasp* Kusuo felt his powers back and even though he can now breathe underwater, he still wanted to get out quick, he pushed Ferine off and stood up *thud*

*Pant pant* Kusuo is still cathing his breath

"Kusuo?" Papa asked

She got up and looked at Kusuo "...Oh.." Ferine blushed

"What?" Kusuo was grinning. Once he realized he covered his mouth. His heart was also racing, he doesn't remember when it last races like this considering he's usually trying to be average and when he does use his powers, he's used to it

"Kusuo you might like this violence thing more than I thought. Is it exciting for once?" Ferine asked smiled "You look quiet great there might I add"


"Always a liar" Ferine walked out of the room "I wonder what Hairo dropped off"

"....well we all like different thing.." Papa looked at Kusuo awkwardly "....So.... You liked the cheese with maggots?"

"...not really I was just tasting it"

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