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Ferine ran over to Hairo as soon as she saw him in school "Hairo!"

"Ferine.. hey ... Sorry for being a little busy" Hairo blushed a bit "Well I guess I've been talking to her a lot on text so it's not like I ignored her"

Kusuo passed by them and sat on his seat "I still don't under why she likes that guy"

"Hairo let's eat together later"

"Ah wait..." Hairo pulled out a plush mangled up yellow bunny from a movie that Ferine asked him for "Here.. It was a little hard to get since it was a limited edition but I got it... I'm sorry it isn't in it's original box.. I actually bought it from someone"

"I don't care about that" Ferine looked at Hairo's arm and saw some wounds, she touched his arm and ran her hand through it "Oh What's this? You got injured? Was it for the bunny?"

"Ah yeah sorry. I think the plush got a bit of my blood on it too-"

"I love it even more!" Ferine hugged Hairo "Thank you Hairo. I love it. How much was it?"

"Uhm..." Hairo blushed. Ferine's face is very close to his "..Don't worry about it"

"Well I have to pay you back. You don't want money? What do you want?" Ferine asked "Want to stab me?"

"What are you doing weirdo?" Saiko passed by

"Hairo got me a plush I asked for" Ferine bragged and noticed that he sat on her seat "I sit there. Move. Now. Or else"

Saiko opened his mouth to say something but quickly stopped himself because Ferine can really hurt him without a care of the consequences. He wanted to buy his way out of this but it would probably work on most except for Ferine "......."

Saiko moved seats

"Ferine you can say it a little more gently next time" Hairo said

"Hm? Well I guess if you say so" Ferine turned to Saiko "Sorry Saiko"

"Good girl Ferine" Hairo blushed a bit as he patted her head

The teacher walked inside

"Ah he's here. Ferine sit" Hairo said

Ferine sat down

"Good girl" Hairo said

"You know. You're a lot more submissive than I thought" Saiko said "You don't like me but I bet you liked being the bottom in the relationship. You like acting like a dog for Hairo huh? How do you act to different people?"

"Hm? Well it won't matter because I won't get together with you. Although I do like it when Kusuo is violent-"

"Ferine" Kusuo hurriedly said "... shut up"

"Aw am I being so mean?"

"Ferine. Shh!" Hairo hushed Ferine like a dog


The teacher looked at them "...ok... So we're having gym class early go and change"

(Time skip)

The girls and boys are separated during p.e but gym teacher asked Hairo and Kusuo to go get some balls in the storage room near where the girls are

They passed by the girls and they're just doing some light stretching for now. Both of them went in the storage room and the place has scattered balls and sports equipment

"Gosh it's a mess here" Hairo looked around "What was in here last? Probably not one of the clubs, a class did this while they were in p.e. it's so messy here it's uncomfortable"

Kusuo picked up some balls on the floor "Come on"

"Are you kidding me? We can. At least tidy up a little bit. And also those balls are a bit deflated not to mention dirty" Hairo said "Let's just clear the area a bit and get back to class. I can go back here later"

"Ferine~ Are you interested in Hairo or Saiki?" Teruhashi walked over to Ferine. They were near the storage room "Gosh darn I really don't know what this girl is thinking. I thought she was all for Hairo but recently she's been getting close to Saiki. Before Hairo came Saiki and her were getting lost in their conversation about this movie or whatever. They definitely got more close. I have to stop this. I have to get more of her attention to Hairo"

"Why do you ask?"

"You seem really close with Hairo. I even thought you were dating... Or you are but you're cheating on him with Saiki?" Teruhashi asked "ok what's the plan? Should I just talk to her like any girl? I should probably say something violent but argh that isn't like me. I should talk about those things but then again it might get her closer to Hairo"

"Hairo and I are not together. But I do like both of them"

"Eh? Both of them? But you act so different. You act so interested in Hairo but just kinda close for Saiki"

"Well they're different people with different attitudes that I like. I like Hairo because he's always giving it he's all in things he's passionate in, sometimes he's quiet the gentleman, he's quiet strong. Hairo also hanged out with me when all his friends were pulling him away from me. Honestly Hairo is so cute even when he thinks all this is strange but he still does it anyways" Ferine chuckled a bit

Kusuo glanced at Hairo. Hairo is struggling to pick a ball even though the balls Infront of him are not dirty nor broken, he's looking over at them and just putting them back. It's like he doesn't even know what he's doing. He obviously heard the conversation and is malfunctioning right now

Kusuo sighed "Let's get going-"

"Kusuo though, he's tricky. I wanted to get close to him because we obviously live together and I thought why not, but recently I'm starting to feel fun" Ferine said "Kusuo and I started to get along and even watch movies and shows together regularly"

"So who do you like more?"

"Not sure. Hairo is really nice, maybe if he were to be a bit more violent. Kusuo already got some of the violence down, I guess if he becomes more cute" Ferine said

"Argh she has some interest on both of them. I'll push it to Hairo" Teruhashi talked more innocently "But if you tell Hairo that you like it a little more violently. Wouldn't he do it for you? I think Hairo in in love with you"

"Why would you think that?"

"Oh! She seems genuinely interested!" Teruhashi smiled "Actually I was in the mall and I saw Hairo trying to get into the long line of people buying that plush. I got on with my shopping but when I got back, he was almost begging this guy to sell him the plush he just bought or even tell him where he can buy another one. I'm not sure what happened after but you wouldn't just do that for someone you like, he's definitely in love with you. He did all that to make you happy"

"I mean... I did promise you.. it was the least I could do.. I just wanted to make sure you get it" Hairo looked around for absolutely nothing, he just wanted to turn his head, and try to feel less awkward. He even started to poke the deflated balls

"I could have gotten that plush toy no problem. I don't see why she didn't just ask me. Look at the trouble she caused" Saiki sighed

"Hm? That so?" Ferine asked "Hairo you did that for me?"

Hairo flinched and whispered to Kusuo "How does she know we're here?"

"She knows a lot of stuff. Come on let's get out before we're discovered" Kusuo pulled Hairo

"Huh? They're there?"

"Not sure" Ferine answered

"Ah Ferine the teacher is calling us let's go" Teruhashi said

"Ok ok"

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