Capitulo 11. Shadows of betrayal

Start from the beginning

Brennan, with a charming smile and an innate ability to gain trust, had earned the favor of Captain Flack and Maria. His inclusion in the crew, backed by tales of his supposed exploits, marked the beginning of a carefully orchestrated betrayal.

While the crew continued toward the search for the Tear of the Ocean, Brennan wove his webs of deception, waiting for the opportune moment to execute Melgar's plan. His loyalty did not lie with the crew but with the shadows that had sent him, and his role as a false ally was about to unfold in a dangerous dance of betrayal.

The stop on the island served as a brief respite before facing the challenges that awaited in the quest for the Tear of the Ocean. The crew, oblivious to Brennan's true nature, accepted him as one of their own. As they busied themselves with provisioning and repairing the ship, Brennan seized the opportunity to communicate with his accomplices in the shadows, reporting on the expedition's position and plans.

In the crew meeting, Captain Flack introduced Brennan as a valuable reinforcement. The new member, with a cunning look and convincing words, quickly gained the trust of the sailors. However, John, with his keen instincts, still harbored certain doubts about the sudden recruitment.

The journey continued toward the Tear of the Ocean, and Brennan seized every opportunity to win the sympathy of the crew. As they progressed, Melgar's spy sought the perfect moment to carry out his betrayal.

The arrival at the island indicated on the map was marked by steep cliffs and a dense jungle that concealed the interior. Upon disembarking, the crew found themselves in a lush yet unfamiliar terrain. Maria, John, and Captain Flack led the expedition inland, with Brennan following closely.

The island proved to be a challenge in itself.

In a jungle clearing, a roar reverberated, announcing the arrival of a formidable predator: the Torogon, a beast with sharp claws and fierce jaws. The situation became critical when the Torogon charged, trapping John in its deadly jaws. Before the danger became irreversible, the fierce gunner acted quickly and precisely. He shot the monster, freeing John from its lethal clutches. The roar of the explosion echoed on the island, momentarily scaring away the Torogon.

The crew, breathing a sigh of relief, regrouped as the Torogon retreated into the foliage

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The crew, breathing a sigh of relief, regrouped as the Torogon retreated into the foliage. Fiero's serious face expressed both the gravity of the situation and the determination to face the challenges that still awaited them in their quest for the Tear of the Ocean.

Maria examined the magical map carefully, trying to decipher the precise location of the cave that housed the precious Tear of the Ocean. Her fingers traced lines and contours, seeking the key that would lead them to the heart of the island. As Maria immersed herself in the task, Brennan watched with a calculating expression, knowing every detail of the plan.

With the route identified, the crew ventured into the island's thicket, following Maria's directions. However, upon reaching the designated spot, they encountered an unpleasant surprise. Brennan, revealing his true loyalty, quickly advanced and blocked the cave entrance, leaving the team bewildered.

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