Chapter - 21 : End !

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Authors pov:

Ravi reached his home and Arun told everything to Ravi again. He glanced at his mom who's crying and his furious dad.


"I didn't expect this from you, Ravi. I thought you will not be like your mother but you proved me wrong. Today you proved that you're her son. I don't know you had these vicious thoughts in your mind." Ashok said angrily.

"Dad, I don't know anything about this. I am also surprised like you all. Please don't blame me."

"Yeah.. I shouldn't blame you for anything. You're innocent, you don't know anything and anyone. I am sorry Ravi. I did the mistake..the biggest unforgivable mistake.  Though I know your mom's intentions, I still tried to bring Yamini to this house. I thought you would give a happy life to her but not in my wildest dreams I thought you will loathe her existence. I spoiled her life. I spoiled that innocent girls' life." Ashok said furiously looking at Ravi and his mom.

"Dad, I accept my mistake that I didn't stand for my marriage. But you too know that I am not ready for any commitment, it's not about Yamini, even if I had married to any other girl I still would behaved the same.

I will not support mom in this, whatever she did is a merciless mistake. If I had known mom was going to see Yamini, I would have stopped her."

"Mom, why did you do this? Did I ever told you that I didn't like Yamini?"

"I am seeing her as my cousin.. my dearest cousin. Why did you do this? You broke that girl completely. She's already suffering because of me and this marriage. Because of my own selfish reasons, she's still with her parents house though she is married to me.

Already I was in my own guilt that I spoiled her life and dreams but you added more fuel into it now. Well done, mom.. thank you so much" Ravi shouted at his mom.

"Ravi.. I wanted to do good..." Ravi interrupted.

"Mom, please.. stop... don't interfere in my life again." Ravi fumed and went to his room.

He sat on his bed and stared at the wall not knowing how to clear this mess. He took his phone and called Yamini to apologize but she didn't pick his call. He tried again and again but of no use. He called Latha, she too didn't pick the call. Without any other choice he called Srinivas. Srinivas picked the call.

"Ravi, dare you call us again. I will give a police complaint."

"Mama, please listen to me. I am sorry.."

"What ? Sorry? You and your mom will hurt my daughter and her feelings and your single sorry will heal all her sufferings?"

"Mama, I am really sorry. I didn't expect mom will do like this. I.."

"Please Ravi. Shut up. Don't call us again and especially my daughter." He said and hung up the call.

Ravi stared his phone for a few minutes and threw it away. Whole night passed like this. No one spoke, sleep was far away for them.

In Yamini's place as well, no one hasn't slept thinking about Yamini's life.

Next day morning, Ravi and Ashok came to Yamini's place.

Latha didn't invite them like yesterday, she opened the door and went inside silently after seeing them.

They both went inside and sat on the couch. When Ashok called her, she ignored him and called her husband who went to drop Rithika.

"Atha, I want to meet Yamini." Ravi said.

Latha glared at him and said, "I don't want you to hurt her more Ravi. So, please."

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