The Locksley

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The Locksley......

Months has passed and still everyday was just the same for Regina, pain and hurt and all the accusing and blaming for her husband. It never stop or it never had an ending for him blaming her. He was so happy and satisfied when he hurt Regina that way. All the bruises on her  body made her hate herself everyday for it. And even whe she is hurt, she still wake up and did her duties because she sign a deal with the devil himself. Is almost the end of the year and Regina is still hanging in her marriage.

The only thing that she was proud of was her gardening and her work. The hospital is now fully on work mode again after an big failure. Not to mention, i am an auditor also, i own 5 banks of myself and is tge president but I don't show who i am to the world. Let the people underestimate me for who i am till i i show them who i am one day.

After all this months My so called husband hasn't been home for 2 weeks now & it doesn't surprise me that am living on my own and doing things for myself. At the end of the day it is just me again too. And am glad he is gone, so i can get my inner rest too and my peace in the big house.

After all this 2 weeks too Robin had been away. He was in Hawaii, with his Eve. They had an vacation without his dad and mom knows. It doesn't bother Regina anymore because she is used to it already for almost a year, that Robin is cheating on her even when they're married. Today was indeed also the last day of vacation for Robin and his girlfriend. They had an amazing time there but also an amazing intimacy ( sex). Robin enjoyed having fun with her, but something weird came to his mind. As he was on his vacation he thought about Regina. Why did he hurt for almost a year? Did she even feel okay? Didn't she had any bruises when i hurt her and say her awful and ugly names? Doesn't it hurt? He questioned himself what he did, but was fast interrupted by his girlfriend.

Regina didn't know when Robin will be home, because his assistant told Regina he is on a business trip, but its already 2 weeks that he is been gone. And he didn't left a note or message he will be away for so long. But why do i care again? Oh yes, am his wife and am worried even when he doesn't care about me. I tried asking his assistant but he said the same thing over and over again, funny is that his assistant didn't go with him. How odd, don't u think?

Regina took some grocery and went home, when she arrived home, she didn't ser robin anywhere. She did her dinner like aways. Just when Regina was about to serve dinner for herself she saw Robin entering in the house with his phone on his ears and telling someone why they didn't mention it that they were coming.

I was curious who that may be. As the call last, someone knocked on the door. I ran to the door and opened it, just when am about to open i saw my in laws and their in laws with them. Robins grandparents are here i am not informed. As i welcome them i told them i made dinner. Robin came downstairs and greets his parents and said to their ears why didn't they told him grandpa and grandma is coming. Well Robin i told you but u weren't listening so here are they and ooooh they are staying for a few days, hope u and Regina don't mind?

Robin called Regina and Robin again introduced his uwanted wife tobhis grandparents and said to her that their grandparents are staying here for a few days. Regina didn't mind so, they can take their guest room.

As the dinner at the locksley went on they talk about one and another and had fun at the dinner and talk about work and who will get the company's and whatever. As Regina excuses herself she went upstairs and did fast her removings. She put everything in the room where she slept away and hide it because robin grandparents can't know bout it, that they are sleeping separately. After that she came downstairs again.

They had later on the night some tea and Robins mom and dad stayed also for the night and it was great having all them here and seeing Robin different side. He let down his guard of rudeness and coldness and he is being the eye appel of grandpa and grandma. Regina taught to herself, how can someone turn this so quickly?

Well this all about money and being rich. The night went gone so fast and was time to go to bed. This will be the first time Regina and Robin will be sleeping in one room. Before regina went to bed, she clean the house and did the dishes. Just when she did the dishes, she saw Robin mom coming down in ber pj's.

" Regina, you aren't sleeping yet? Oh hi, i didn't know you still up?" Answer to your question, no not yet. " Still doing the dishes before am going to bed. Regina, was busy clean doing all the house work. Regina, darling would you look at me? Regina turned and look at Mrs Locksley. Regina is my son giving u a hard time in this house? Tell me the truth okey?" Not that we are having any problems with each other. We still trying and giving it space. I dont want to come in his space and creating him chaos" but no he is not. Good, would u let me know when you feel uncomfortable with him? Yes, mom i will. Anyways Regina, please leave it for the morning i know you're tired go to bed. " dont worry I will be done by a minute." Good night Regina.
Good night mom.

Robins mom, didnt just ask that by accident, Robins mom noticed something on Reginas back and it caughter her eyes. Because that didn't happened but accident, it most have cost her pain of this marriage, thats why Robins mom asked her.

Regina was done with the dishes and just went upstairs and took a bath and was going to sleep next robin in bed but was to afraid to do so. Regina had a night gown on and it was a bit revealing and Robin looked at her and thought to himself why he was ogling her body, because she looks so appetizing.
Just when he mind caught it he was being all cold again.

" Don't think you will be sleeping on this bed, because I don't want any slut on my bed and sure not a wife that I don't love." That were the words of Robin. Robin gave her a pillow and blanket. " As i say u can't sleep on the bed, you can sleep on the floor, till my grandparents leave and than you will be back in you room again.

Regina didn't say anything and too the pillow and blanket and just lay on the floor and cried herself to sleep why she got in this situation. The only thing said over and over again was " Why me?"

Thanks for reading, see you on the jext chapter.

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