Act 2: Into the DEAD

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You drove through the zombie-infested streets while hearing on the radio that authorities are continuously struggling to contain the threat.

"They are in over their heads."

There was a convenience store close to you, so you swiped a few snacks and drove off, just as the infected are approaching. You soon arrived at Onebetsu Bridge but didn't see Takashi or the others.

"I guess they're still trying to get through "Them". I'll try to hold out here, but I'm leaving if you don't arrive in an hour."

To pass the time, you started spray painting murals on the ground. You then looked at the city and saw that the sun is going down, and then you looked at your phone and saw that more than a few hours have passed since the outbreak began.

"Yeah, the zombies do suck. But no school, no homework, no responsibilities... I just better not say that when I'm around people."

Suddenly, zombies arrive and you pulled out a berretta and shot them. Behind you, you heard sounds of running, which belonged to Saya, Saeko, Shizuka, and Kohta Hirano.

More zombies arrive and everyone fought them. Kohta's nail gun ran out as he shoots them, so you pulled out a Desert Eagle and shouted "Kohta, Catch!" and he finished the zombies by shooting them in the head. Shortly thereafter, Takashi and Rei arrive and help deal with the remaining zombies.

"Glad to see you guys are mostly alright," you said after witnessing your friend finish the zombies off.

Takashi: "Same to you bud."

"Shido wanted control," you said to Saya.

Saya: "That's a guess? Well, that is exactly what caused us to leave the bus."

"Where do we head next?"

Shizuka: "I suggest we stay at my apartment."

You saw a Humvee along with several zombies practically crowding it.

"Then let's get going."

You and the other went aboard the Humvee and Shizuka cleared out the rest of the zombies by driving through them, all the way to her apartment.

Love Among the Dead (Saya Takagi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now