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Mizuki looked up from her notes and at Kosuke, who was staring down at her with a stern gaze. He had been acting strange since lunch ended, and it was rare for him to become so serious. Mizuki gave him a concerned look.

"What's wrong?" Mizuki asked. She eyed him curiously, wondering if he was only joking with her. It was like him, so she turned to her notes again to review them. But she kept an open ear to Kosuke to listen if he had something to say.

"From how relaxed you are, I assume you're not aware that Mr. Lian is back," Kosuke said. Mizuki paused for a moment, looking up from her notes and at the chalkboard that was getting cleaned by the class representative.

She thought back to when Kaien had called her into his office earlier.


"What?" Mizuki gasped. Kaien quickly went to her side to hold her. Her shocked expression twisted into fear. "B-But why? He's supposed to be far away from here. Why is he back? Why is he even allowed to be on school grounds after what he tried to do to me?"

She stared at Kaien with wide eyes, her voice raised out of panic and fear.

"Kaname's orders."

Mizuki's brows knitted together out of confusion once she learned that Kaname had told Mr. Lian to come here. She wanted to get angry at Kaname for thinking of doing such a thing, but then she remembered what he told her last night.

"I promise that pest will be punished for daring to lay a hand on you."

"He's...up to something," she whispered.

"I don't know. Vampires have different cultures and traditions from us humans, so it's best to let them do their own thing," Kaien sighed. "I don't understand why he would let that monster in. After all, he knows what he tried to do to you. If it were up to me, I'd kill him."

Kaien's threat caused Mizuki to stare up at him with worry. Noticing, Kaien quickly gave her a soft smile. He tapped her nose, trying to lighten the mood. "I trust Kaname has everything under control and is keeping that manic on a tight lease and won't go anywhere near you."

Mizuki sighed, hoping that he was right.

"Now. How about you and I have some lunch?" Kaien asked, revealing a buffet for two in the sitting area in the middle of the room. His attempt to cheer her up made her smile, but she couldn't stop worrying.


Mizuki bit her bottom lip nervously but quickly stopped to stay calm. She glanced at Kosuke, waiting for her response, and nodded. "Yeah... I know."

"And this is okay? He attacked you, and he gets to be let back on the property? Is that not bullshit?" Kosuke fussed. Mizuki grabbed his arm, urging him to be quiet to avoid getting anyone's attention. She leaned closer.

"Look, everything is under control." Mizuki took a deep breath, nodding as she tried to convince herself. "He's just here to get some things he left in the teacher's dorm that are irreplaceable or something like that..." she said, forgetting the excuse Kaien told her to tell any Day Class students who asked her about Mr. Lian being back on campus.

Kosuke groaned. "That asshole should have stayed in the hospital." Mizuki scoffed and playfully ruffled his hair before turning back forward. "I'll be with you and make sure you're okay."

"Hey, you think I'm some weakling or something? I put that guy in a hospital, and what happened to me? He gave me a headache." The way she put it made herself laugh, but Kosuke remained solemn.

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