Revelations [Chapter 28]

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Chapter 28

Elaine and I got out of the car just before the body crashed into the windshield. My skin felt hot where shards of glass struck it, a contrast to the cold crawling through it. Even without trying, I could feel the darkness pouring through the broken window, tainting the frigid air around us. A shudder roiled through my body in response as Elaine staggered, taking the worst of the atmosphere, unaccustomed to such assaults.

I caught her just as she was about to fall down, steadying her. “Thanks,” she said in a strangled voice. “That body…it’s-“

 “Jenna,” I murmured. One of Robert’s assistant. She hadn’t exactly looked spritely when I met her but she looked a hell of a lot better than she did now. The crash had shattered the windshield so that her head hung limply inside. Her face was set in an expression of horror, the iconic pink strip of her hair a bright disparity. Her limbs were twisted in odd angles. Whether it was caused by the impact of the fall or something else, I didn’t have time to tell.

Elaine spat out a curse and turned towards the Lodge. “We have to hurry inside.”

“No,” I said. “Stay with the car. If things get bad, we’re going to need to escape fast.”

“I’m not leaving you in there alone,” she insisted. “Do you even have a plan?”

“I-“ I gritted my teeth. No, I didn’t have a plan. God damn it, what was I even doing back here? Without Gram, I was useless against Adam or any of the beasts he could dredge up against me. But I had to try. If I could just get to Sigrun, free her if needed. Or if I could get Gram, or even Margaret, back in play I’d have a chance.

“Please, Chris. Let me help you,” Elaine continued. “There’s more than one enemy in there. I’m sure of it.”

“Exactly, and I can’t risk putting you in danger. Those snow monsters are only the beginning. God knows how many things Marzanna can give him.”

She jutted her chin. “I can take care of myself. And that’s not what I’m talking about. Back at the car, you said it takes a lot of-“ she had to squint as she forced herself to say it “-magic to keep the monsters going. Adam was right there watching us and he even tried to fight you. Someone else was summoning those things.”

“Marzanna,” I said with utmost certainty. “She must’ve done it. She’s helping Adam after all.”

“I’m just saying, it’s stupid to assume that there’s only one enemy in there.”

Another scream echoed through the darkened house. It was futile to argue with Elaine. We didn’t have the luxury of time so I just gave her a few spare cartridges for the Glock from the trunk. After a moment’s thought, I handed her one of Sigrun’s spare short swords and sheathed a broadsword for myself. My Guardian had been nothing if not prepared. I forced myself not to think of her in the past tense just yet. I also drew one of the runes I’d pocketed earlier and handed a one of concealment to Elaine.

It wouldn’t make us invisible but it would make sure that we’d go undetected by any magical or remote means. They won’t notice our arrival until they see us with their own eyes and that’s the only advantage I could hope for.

Elaine had gotten paler, I noticed. No matter how hard a front she put up, seeing a dead body like that must have shaken her and the added sinister atmosphere didn’t help her disposition much.

I nudged her lightly. Our eyes met and for a moment, everything was fine again. It was just the two of us, young lovers with differences, with problems that they would work through in the end. Then, the screaming started again.

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