Couldn't Get Any Better.

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"Okay, it's fine. I'll check in with her when I get some time."

She nods, handing me her tablet, "We still have more coming in but they are not as serious."

"Where did this happen?"

"Right by Miller Park on 94. Black ice has been crazy this year."

"Okay. Just take me through everything and I'll assess it. Just calm down, it's fine. Everything's fine."

"I'm sorry for waking you."

"It's fine. I don't mind. At least I was in town."

It's 6:30 and I've been given the okay to go home. I zip my coat as I walk out of our locker room, "Hey, Maya, thank you. Sorry for calling you in."

I walk toward Bridget, "It's not a big deal."

"I appreciate it. Have fun in Nashville."

"We will."

I look at my phone to see that Christian is here, "Christian's here. I'm out. Don't burn the place down."

"Noted. Don't burn the hospital down because Maya would like to come back to a job."

I laugh, "Exactly."

I walk out to my car, setting my stuff in the back. "So?"

"In conclusion, people are bad drivers, we're never going to have enough staff, and I'm tired," I tell him.

"Well, we have a few hours before we have to leave."

"I don't know if it's a good idea for me to nap."

"I think you should."

"You just don't want to deal with me if I'm crabby."

"Is that so wrong of me?" he asks, laughing.

"No, I get it. I wouldn't want to deal with me when I'm crabby either."

"I can wake you up around 10. I need to run to my apartment before we leave anyway but I can do that while you sleep. Are you packed?"

"For the most part. There's a few little things that need to be packed."

He parks in my garage, "Don't bother getting your stuff, I'll get it."

I walk into my kitchen and debate between my options. He pulls my coat off, "Thanks."

He gently pushes me, "Go lay down. 10?"

I start walking away from him but turn around, "11?"

"11? That's pushing it."


"No, it's fine. Go sleep."

I give him a salute as my acknowledgment as I walk away, "You're so weird," he tells me.

"And you love me for it."

I kick my shoes off and go into my bathroom. Turning on the light, I realize how prevalent the headache that is forming in my head. I find my bottle of ibuprofen and take two capsules.

"Did you leave?" I ask.

I hear him walking toward my room, "No. What's up?"

"I think you should lay with me. It's still early."

"I should?"



I pump my fist behind my back. "Just give me a minute."

I nod before shutting the light off in my bathroom and bedroom and getting in bed. I plug my phone in and turn onto my side. My door shuts. Christian put a blanket over my window since it was starting to get lighter out.

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