I just knew they both would be there. I walked in the door after landing on the front step and I smelled him before I saw him. He smelled like the sweetest chocolate mixed with the smell of wood burning in an open campfire...it was heavenly. It almost made me drool every time I was near him. I am going to have to ask what I smelled like to him.

But something was not quite right, I could smell blood mixed with lavender and fresh cut grass. Roe was bleeding, and Darius was here, and I could tell by the way my hair on my neck stood up that something was wrong. I ran down to the basement bursting through the doors. The sight in front of me made my blood run cold as there in the center of my floor was Roeshell, bleeding from the stomach.

"What happened!!" I screamed across the room. Blaze looked to me and said,

"We were walking home, and Yasmin and some man attacked us. We were blindsided. She got Roe in the stomach and Darius can't heal her." He said tears streaming down his face, I knew he was putting the blame on himself. I pushed him and Darius back away from her and placed my hands on her stomach. I felt the energy leaving my body flowing into hers. As I looked up at the ceiling, my eyes turned red and rolled into the back of my head. I started chanting nonsense as I felt the power flow into her wound.

Darius grabbed me and pulled me off her as I came back to my senses. In front of me, Roe opened her eyes and looked around confused as to where she was, but slowly getting her bearings. Darius scooped her up planting kisses all over her and then biting down hard on their soul mark. Roe's eyes shot open wide as the memories flooded back into her. Pushing Darius off her, she looked down at her ripped and burnt shirt, pulling apart the pieces, looking for her near fatal wound.

It was gone. I had healed her. I have no clue how, but I did it. This queen thing is pretty cool. I guess.

Stretching out my arm, I smack the alarm that is screaming next to my bed, as Blaze rolls over wrapping me in his arms bringing his lips to my shoulder blade.

"Turn that thing off, Rave. Just another hour, please." He mumbled into my neck. I shrugged him off and stood up taking all the blankets with me.

"Nope, we have to be at the school in 15 minutes, get up lazy bones." I said as I headed to the bathroom to hop in the shower. Stepping under the steaming hot water, the previous day's activities running through my head. How did save Roe? Is this all a dream, why is this happening to me? Just as I reached out to turn the water off, Blaze stepped into the shower. All of him, naked, standing in front of me. I screamed and teleported myself wet and dripping to my bedroom and quickly wrapped up in a towel I had sitting on my dresser.

"Hey!! That was not funny, I was naked!" I yelled at him as he was laughing hysterically in shower. I was not prepared to see a naked person in my shower with me this morning, let alone one that was as good looking as Blaze Harrison.

"So, I am good looking, huh?" Blaze asked standing in my bathroom doorway in nothing but a towel. My face turns seven shades of red as I quickly turn around and throw him some clothes. Damn this mate bond mind link. I grabbed my clothes and stomped out of my room, slamming the door behind me, just to run smack in to my mother in the hallway.

"Raven, why are you in a towel in the hallway? And where is Blaze!" my mom said her eyes almost bugging completely out of her skull.

"Mom, stop worrying! Nothing happened. Blaze is in the shower; I came out here to go to your room and get dressed so he wouldn't see anything stop worrying. Besides, he is my soul mark, you are going to have to get used to the idea that I will be having sex." I said smugly as I pushed past her to her room, her mouth fell open as she watched me slowly shut her door. I don't think my smile could have gotten any wider. But then Blaze walked out in his jeans and no shirt, kissed mom on the cheek and said.

The Elementals: Raven's FireWhere stories live. Discover now