Chapter 13

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"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!" I yelled at my mother. She just smiled and walked to the center of the room.

"Oh RJ, sweetie did you seriously think, I wouldn't have powers. You are a direct descendant of the greatest witch in Salem's history. How did you not feel it, when your powers activated? Honey, do you remember when we used to go out to the lake every year with your friends and their parents?" She said.

"Uh, yeah." I stammer out still in absolute shock.

"Well, the last year we went, you guys were ten. Correct?" She asked, I just shook my head and she continued. "That was the day we felt the power shift from us, down to you girls. When you all found your amulet stones in that cave, we put a protection spell on them and made them into necklaces. We had no clue how powerful you all would be. We had no idea you four were the elementals." she said, looking at me with a tear in her eye. A tear? Seriously, from the meanest, hardest woman I knew. I was completely dumbfounded.

"How could lie to us. How could you not tell us about our heritage? Where is your soul mark? Oh god, it's can't be, he is married to another woman." The questions flew out of my mouth like water from a burst dam.

"First things first, let's deal with the issue at hand." Reaching her hand out she grabs my arm, inspecting it. She checks every single part thoroughly in case she missed something. Then she let go of my arm walked over to where the rest of adults were standing and was whispering something intently as they all stood there shaking their heads. I was so confused. I didn't know what was happening to my life. I started to have a panic attack, Blaze reached up, wrapped me in his arms and kissed my soul mark. It helped relax me, but I pushed him away. I didn't want my mother to yell at me. As she was eyeballing us from across the room. I watched as her face turned from anger to admiration. Which in turn caused me some serious confusion and frustration.

"Raven, come here please. Stand in the center of this circle please. You too, Blaze. Come on now. We have to get this off you before he finds a hole into this universe." Mom pleaded with me. I hesitantly walked into the circle with Blaze holding my non burnt arm. They all clasped hands around us as Mr. Trudeau told Blaze to hold me tight and not let go for any reason. As they began chanting, over and over.

A hot white light began to appear over the imprint of Arawn's hand, the pain shot through my entire body as I started to lift off the ground. I was screaming, it hurt so bad. I thought I might die. Blaze held tight and firm as I felt wetness on my shoulder, I realized he was crying. He could feel it, he could feel my pain and it was agonizing. This went on for what seemed like hours as the torturous pain radiated into my body, up my arm down into my chest. Where my heart shone like a diamond, it felt like it was going to burst out of me. I gave one last blood curdling scream as white light shot out of the center of my chest. I collapsed into Blaze's arms, and finally the pain was gone.

I opened my eyes, looked at my arm and the mark was gone. I slowly stand up, shakily at first but getting stronger by the second.

"What was that? Why did it hurt so bad, and how did it get there?" I questioned. Lincoln, Nina's Dad stepped forward gesturing me to sit, so I sat down on the sofa. He stood in front of me like a towering giant, the man was tall, not as tall as Garrett but tall.

"Raven, before I explain what that was, I have a question for you, if you don't mind answering it." He said. I shook my head yes and waited for him to continue, thinking he was going to ask about Nina.

"What happened in your dream last night, and we need the full story. Please don't leave anything out." He said, looking at me curiously. I told them about the entire dream from waking up in hell to Blaze biting me to wake me up. He just stood there nodding his head, saying ok, yep, uh huh. When I finished the story, he looked at the others and they nodded. He grabbed a chair pulling it up in front of me and placed his hand on mine gently. He looked me in the eye and said,

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